characters part 1

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Amelia Forbes

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Amelia Forbes

Don't klaus you expect me to wait for you for years after you betrayed me by sleeping with my best friend think again I moved on with my life don't expect for me to put you back in it

Caroline ForbesListen here you little bitch ever since you came into Mystic Falls years ago you ruined everything you slept with my boyfriend, tried to get my friends killed and you sleep with my little sister's boyfriend you better watch what you...

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Caroline Forbes
Listen here you little bitch ever since you came into Mystic Falls years ago you ruined everything you slept with my boyfriend, tried to get my friends killed and you sleep with my little sister's boyfriend you better watch what you say around me and my family

Caroline ForbesListen here you little bitch ever since you came into Mystic Falls years ago you ruined everything you slept with my boyfriend, tried to get my friends killed and you sleep with my little sister's boyfriend you better watch what you...

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Alaric Saltzman

Look Klaus I think it's better if you leave, we enrolled your daughter into our school when we didn't have to but we did so be happy but you are not about to cross the line and Barge into my family like you own the place, well guess what you don't anymore

Look Klaus I think it's better if you leave, we enrolled your daughter into our school when we didn't have to but we did so be happy but you are not about to cross the line and Barge into my family like you own the place, well guess what you don't...

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Amber Forbes

My name is Amber Forbes AKA Amber Salvatore Forbes, my mother and my aunts friends abandon them along with my dad so I want nothing to do with him or you for that matter

My name is Amber Forbes AKA Amber Salvatore Forbes, my mother and my aunts friends abandon them along with my dad so I want nothing to do with him or you for that matter

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Lizzie Saltzman-forbes

Look here hope since you're new I'll give you a little tip I run this place so if you do anything and I mean anything to get attention I'll make your life a living hell

Look here hope since you're new I'll give you a little tip I run this place so if you do anything and I mean anything to get attention I'll make your life a living hell

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Josie Saltzman

My family is complicated me and Lizzie are actual twins but we were separated in the womb me in my mom Caroline and Lizzie in Aunt Amelia around the time when she was pregnant with Amber so I guess to say is me, amber and Lizzie are triplets

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