back in time part 4

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June 22,2010- it's been a month since the fight and since the kids were stuck it back in time Hope Came Back to the group after 3 weeks but Lizzie still didn't apologize for what she did and wasn't going to now back

Landon: Okay so we've been here a month now and a lot of things have happened Klaus broke his curse Elena's aunt is dead and Stefan saved his brother by making a deal with klaus to leave with him from Mystic Falls did I get everything

Lizzie: and don't forget hope psychotic dad daggered his brother after lying to him

Hope: listen my dad is anything but a liar (says defending her dad)

Lizzie: obviously you haven't been around for a thousand years to know how horrible and the bad stuff your dad did he lies he kills he hurt he betrays his everything that you think he's not (says and hope glares at her)

Amber: would you guys stop and besides you'll never guess whose birthday it is today

Josie: let me guess Elena Gilbert the doppelganger

Amber: you heard it and if I'm correct our parents should be there or our mothers (says)

Landon: I mean it would be nice to see a younger version of your mom even tho they look the same about 20 years later (says)

Josie: well my mom will look the same Amber and Lizzie's mom will look a little different since she didn't become a vampire until later on (says)

Hope: so what are we going to do now (says)

Lizzie: we are obviously going to the party

Hope: Lizzie we have to stay away from this mess we are not going to get involved our parents will suspect that we're from the future

Lizzie: they wont we just have to go there and act like we don't know anything earned their trust (says smiling) but you don't have to go since your dad isn't there

Hope: I am going so you don't make a mess of the future (says and walks away)

Lizzie: I win we're going (says and walks off)

They all looked at each other before following the two, at the party

Josie: okay we're here so what's next

Amber: well we know that Elena and Damon are tracking Stefan and we know that they're going to go find him so we should go with them or at least follow them (says)

Lizzie: you're right so we can Witness hope's dad turning innocent werewolves into hybrid and get killed by a hybrid since they will be unstable due to them not knowing that Elena's blood and help them become a fully hybrid (says and bump into someone) hey would you watch it


They turn around to see a younger version of amelia

Lizzie: mom ( says Whispering)

Amelia: I am amelia (says)

Lizzie: my name is Lizzie these are my sisters josie and Amber and this is landon

Hope: and I'm hope (says)

Amelia: are you guys new I never seen you around Mystic Falls before (ask)

Lizzie: you could say that (says smiling)

Amelia: well I hope you enjoy the party (says and leaves)

Amber: oh my God I can't believe we met Mom oh my gosh she's so young

Lizzie: she was beautiful (says)

Landon: well lets do what she says enjoy the party (says and went to go get a drink)

Josie: uh doesn't he know they were too young to drink

Amber: actually he's like 19 or 18 years old (says) so I guess he's old enough to drink in Mystic Falls

Lizzie: well I am going to enjoy this moment of happiness while I still can

Hope: what's that supposed to mean

Lizzie: oh I don't know about the fact that your dad will come back to town with your so-called aunt Rebekah and ruined our families life and it's almost a few months until your mother comes in town and we only have a year left until the cheating starts and what like my mom only been dating your dad for like a few months and he already cheated on her like what's up with that my mother deserves better

Hope: listen I know she does but you can't keep hating me for my father's mistake I didn't ask to be born that way

Lizzie: I'm not hating you I'm thanking you I just despise you because if your father would have never cheated on my mother she would have never been pregnant with me and Amber so let's just say if it wasn't for your father's mistake none of us would have been born well Landon would be born

Landon: so we're like in a danger zone if we did anything to rack up what happens in the past there's a high chance that none of you girls will never exist

Amber: and there's a high chance that Mom will end up having a different child with klaus instead if he never cheated so I hate to say this but we have to let Hope dad cheat on Mom

Lizzie: why don't we just kill Hayley after the cheating I mean hope will never be born and my mother wouldn't have to see her face for the rest of her school years to be reminded of what those two Liars did

Hope: you are not touching my mother

Lizzie: and why not the only reason why your mother is even in that family is because she had you your mother is nothing and she will always be nothing I heard that she betrayed her own people for the mikaelsons and yet she came back running asking for their help barking orders saying she's the leader but yet here she is killing her own family her own people and have the nerve to call her a crescent wolf, that sounds awfully familiar with your dad when he betrayed his own family and daggered them for centuries I see your mom and dad are made for each other

Josie: Lizzie

Lizzie: now if you excuse me I'm going to enjoy the party before you actually ruin it (says and leaves)

Hope: she's never going to stop hating me is she

Amber: you just have to prove to her that your family changed I mean I hate when Lucy is saying to you but she's very loyal to our mom so she reacts badly than the rest of us but just be patient with her she'll warm up if you prove to her that you're not a piece of shit

Hope: really

Amber: sorry I tend to get into the moment and insult people

Josie: or that's an excuse to insult people

Amber: shut it Josie (says and laughs) now let's go enjoy this party we've got a long year ahead of us

She says they all smiled and soon started to enjoy the party

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