first day of school

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Hope was walking in the build smiling,she thought about everything her making friends learning more about herself and have the best life here, hope started walking to her class when she bumped into someone

Lizzie:watch it new girl (says)

Hope:I am so sorry

Lizzie: sorry doesn't cut it now that my mom isn't here I have a bone to pick with you (says)

Hope:what did I do (ask)

Lizzie: you didn't do nothing yet so listen here hope since you're new here I'll give you a little tip I run this place so if you do anything and I mean anything to get attention I'll make your life a living hell got it (says and hope slowly nod) great so we're on the same page if you see me walk in the hallway and you turn the other way got it

Hope:ok (says)

Lizzie:good (says and leaves)

Hope: that was unexpected (says and heads to her class)


Hope sat at a desk in the front as everyone sat at their desk

Caroline: okay class welcome back to a day of learning (says walking in) now can someone remind me what we were on yesterday

Mg raised his hand

Caroline: mg would you please (smiles)

Mg: well we were learning about hybrid's and how they can be turned

Caroline: great thank you mg now can someone answer this tell me how can you turn a hybrid

Hope was about to raise her hand when Lizzie beat her to it

Caroline:lizzie (says)

Lizzie: well it all depends on which type of hybrid because there are hybrids that are half vampire and half werewolf and there are other hybrids who are half witch and half vampire so the answer both you have to use Klaus Mikaelson blood to turn a werewolf into a hybrid vampire with the help of the doppelganger Petrova blood line and if you're a siphoner which like myself you can turn into a vampire and still use magic because your siphoning the magic from your vampirism (says smirking)

Caroline: very good lizzie you are right (says) now everyone knows that me and my sister has been through this and yes Klaus mikaelson's blood can turn a werewolf into a hybrid but did you know he couldn't do that before because he was cursed and had his werewolf bound but he end up breaking the curse sacrificing a vampire a werewolf in the Petrova doppelganger, but there was a loophole it turns out if the doppelganger is a live he will have to use their blood to fully turn a hybrid

Kaleb: so did the doppelganger survive (ask)

Caroline: yes she did kaleb (says)

Hope raised her hand

Caroline: yes hope

Hope: what about Klaus mikaelson's daughter

Caroline: and what about her (says knowing what she was doing)

Lizzie: yeah what about her (ask)

Hope: well his daughter can turn werewolves into hybrids without needing the doppelgangers blood

Student: and how would you know

Hope: you could say I met her (says)

Lizzie: I doubt it there's no way you could have met her and not be killed by her father who by the way is a murderous psychopath I honestly feel sorry for his daughter

Hope: and why that ( says turning to her)

Lizzie: come on hope everyone knows the stories don't tell me you don't, everyone knows that Klaus Mikaelson is a evil man who kills innocent people to get what he wants I can't imagine what he thought his daughter to do (says) now that you think about it has anyone ever seen what Klaus Mikaelson looks like

Everyone shook her head no except hope and caroline

Lizzie: same but like I care

Hope: you sound jealous of his daughter

Lizzie:(laughs) me jealous you got to be kidding

Caroline:lizzie (warns her)

Lizzie: why would I be jealous of a girl who thinks she's better than anyone just because of who her family is I bet she's weak, to be honest I am so glad that I'm not her because if I were I would have no friends because people would be so scared of me to be my friend in fearing of being killed if they argue with me (says)

Hope: you really think that (ask)

Lizzie: oh I know so

Caroline:LIZZIE that is enough keep talking and you'll go to the principal office

Lizzie: fine (says)

Caroline: now let's continue


After class it was lunch time hope grabbed her food and set at an empty table


She looked up to see a guy


Guy: can I sit here

Hope:sure (says moving her things)

Guy:great I'm Rafael but everyone calls me raf

Hope: I'm hope, hope Marshall

Rafael: I know you're the new girl

Hope: is it that obvious

Rafael: hey it's okay yesterday was my first day so I'm kind of new to this to

Hope: you are thank God I thought I was going to have suffer this alone no offense

Rafael: it's okay, so do you want to hang out later you know to get to know each other

Hope: of course I would love to (blushes)

Rafael: cool so I'll see you later

Hope: okay bye (waves and smiles, she continue eating her food and soon she was heading to her next class but she got startled by a yell)


Hope turn around and got slapped in the face she looked up to see-

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