back in time part 3

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The hallways empty

Lizzie: I mean it is a party going on in the gym room (says and they walked down the hall) now all we have to do is save ugh the doppelganger and the Bennett witch from hope's psychotic father

Hope: my father doesn't kill anyone no more (says and they looked at her) well he doesn't if someone doesn't piss him off or try to hurt anyone of his family

Lizzie:see (says)

They hear a bang throughout the school they looked at each other and ran towards the sound to see Bonnie throwing alaric in the lockers

Amber: I see we made it perfect time (says)

Landon: guys I think it's best if we hide because we do not want to mess up the timeline that could wreck the future (says)

Lizzie: Lando is right on this one (says)

Landon: would you stop calling me that (says and they hid so the three don't see them)

They watch alaric AKA klaus getting up laughing

Lizzie: your father is a psychopathy he's literally laughing through pain (says shocked and hope rolled her eyes)

Alaric:uh (laughs) now did I mention that I know a witch you're going to have to hit me a lot harder than that (says running to them, only for Bonnie to throw him in the trophy Shelf)

All: ouch (says together)

Hope and Lizzie looked at each other before rolling their eyes at each other and look back at the scene, Alaric grunts in pain before laughing some more

Alaric: by all means fire way if you kill this body I'll just get a new one maybe Jeremy

Bonnie: go run RUN (says and the two ran)

Josie: what should we do, should we fight him or should we follow them (says)

Amber: I think we should follow them no offense hope, but I don't want to stay in the same room as your father right now

Hope: none taken right now I don't feel too happy about witnessing what he did to your parents and friends (says and they followed elena and bonnie who ran into damon)

Damon: what happened

Elena: Klaus is in alaric's body (says controlling her breath)

Damon: what

Bonnie: he's possessing it or something

Damon: go find Stefan now now

Elena:ok (says and leaves)

Damon looked at Bonnie

Damon: can you kill him

Bonnie: he's got some kind of protection spell on him

Damon: you have the power of a hundred witches break it

Bonnie: I'm trying if I kill Alaric he just possess someone else he knows I have my power Damon he's trying to kill me

Damon:no klaus does not get to win tonight no way, you still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him (says and bonnie nods before the two leave)

Landon: wow they are really desperate to kill him

Josie: our parents literally faced Klaus and came out alive I actually feel really special knowing that I am Caroline's kid

Lizzie: and I feel certainly special being amelia daughter and hope must feel ashamed of being klaus's daughter

Hope: I don't feel ashamed he's still my dad and I love him despite everything he did

Lizzie: you're still going to forgive him hope he killed innocent lives ruined my family's life to get what he want and everyone thinks you were a gift in the end for him, how is it that he's hurted more people in their lifetime and yet comes out at the end with something he can love what about his sister Rebecca I heard that she wanted kids and she hasn't done a lot of bad stuff but yet she wasn't gifted with something she would want

Hope: you don't know anything about my family so stop Talking like you do

Lizzie: oh so it's okay for you to just come into my family and know all of our secrets but yet I can't do the same wow you really are a selfish bitch (says and hope slapped her)

Hope: I have had it with you Lizzie Saltzman you can rot in hell (says and leaves)

Amber:hope (yells but she was gone) seriously lizzie you have to go this far yet again

Lizzie: I don't give a damn about her feelings the only way for me to change my mind about her is that her father actually do some good in his life, I don't need to hear it I need to see it to believe it (says) now come on let's go find a place to stay I think our parents can handle tonight since they managed to survive in the future

Landon: what about hope, should someone go get her

Josie: I think it's best for her to be alone and let her clear her mind about all of this and Lizzie has to come up with a way to apologize to her

Lizzie: I am not apologizing to anyone especially not from a Mikaelson

Amber: Lizzie we barely know the mikaelsons and yet we already hate them just based on what everyone told us about in the past

Lizzie: we already know enough our parents diary says it all

Amber: Lizzie it was their point of view we all have our own and now that we're here we can actually see what they have to go through (says)

Lizzie: whatever let's just go (says and was about to leave when josie stopped them)

Josie: wait

Lizzie: what is it now

Josie: effort in the past that means the people are family lost is alive which means

Amber: your bio mother and our grandmother is alive we can finally see them

The girls smiled at each other before running off

Landon: wait for me (says and runs after them)

They made it to the Forbes house just in time to see Elizabeth Forbes getting in her car and driving off

Lizzie: wow Mom and Auntie care really does look like her

Josie: I wish we could know her personally

Amber: yeah but what about your bio mom

Lizzie: she hasn't moved to Mystic Falls yet we're in 2010 it shows that they meet her in 2012 (says) and I'm not sure we'll be here that long

Landon: I think this is good you guys need some closure

Josie: yeah and it's nice that you came on the trip Landon

Landon:uh no offense but I did not ask to be here I was sort of here with you guys (says and the girls laughed)

Lizzie: let's go Landon we need to rest for once about to come next (says)

Landon: she said it she finally said my real name is it me or do I feel overjoyed (says and the girls rolled their eyes playfully before walking off to find a place to stay)

This is getting really exciting to write this who else enjoys it?

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