back in time part 2

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Hope: oh my God we're in 2010

Landon: what date is it

Amber: April 26th

Lizzie: great so hope throws us back in time

Hope: it was not me I don't know any spell to go back in time

Lizzie: well someone did and now we don't have a way to get back home that's on you

Josie: can you guys not do this now if we're in the past that means our parents are here well our younger version

Lizzie: but April 26th that date sounds really familiar

Landon: what do you mean

Lizzie:(thinks about it) of course mom's diary she put her dates on every time she writes and this date just so happens to be the day your father takes over my dads body

Amber: so we're in the past on the day where our parents meet Klaus for the first time well in someone else's body (says)

Lizzie: indeed and since we're in the past why not change something

Josie: and that is

Lizzie: we know some of that stuff that's going to happen why not stop it from happening like making sure my mother never date your father hope so she wouldn't have to go through this heartbreak

Landon: I don't know about much of whats going on but if you stop them from ever dating there's a 60% chance that hope will never be born

Lizzie: works for me (says and starts walking)

Hope: hey where are you going

Lizzie: I'm going to the school that's where everything is setup (says and leaves)

Josie: lizzie we have to say on the lowdown we cannot let our parents know that we're from the future (says)

Lizzie: we won't we'll just blend in and earn their trust cuz right now we're going to need their help to get us back home

Landon: maybe we can also witness what they've been going through (says)

Lizzie: you're right Lando

Landon: it's Landon

Lizzie: to the school (says and they leave)

Hope: this is a bad idea

Amber: we have no other choice (says)


At the school

Josie: the school looks really different from the future

Lizzie: I can't believe our parents have to suffer going here

Landon: hey come on it's a normal high school full of unknown Supernaturals that could be pretending to be students

Lizzie: like how Amber's father and Uncle attend to the school (smirks)

Amber: please do not mention or speak of their name they are dead to me

Hope: wait I know who Josie and Lizzie's parents are but who is your dad Amber

Lizzie: that is a personal question that only people in the family should know and last time I checked you're not family

Hope: well Amber and Caroline sure think im family

Lizzie: they only said that because they felt bad for you

Hope rolls her eyes

Hope: well I feel bad for the fact that Josie and Amber had to grow up with a sister like you they could have done so much better

Lizzie: well at least I have siblings last time I checked you don't because you were made in a one night stand and a one-time

Amber: Lizzie do not say that that's rude

Lizzie: what I'm just starting facts she thinks she can just come up in our family unannounced and thinks she's better than everyone (says)

Hope: I get it you're jealous of me, you want to be me

Lizzie: you wish and last time I checked being you means having to deal with so many people who don't like you must because of who your parents are and last time I checked you had to grow up with a worst childhood ever not being around people your own age So all of that doesn't sound like something I would be jealous about because I am perfectly happy with the life that I lived and will continue to have (smirks)



Josie: I love you but you are going way too far and you have no idea what she have to go through growing up it's not her fault being the way she was born or how she was born and it's definitely not her fault for not getting the childhood she deserves I bet her parents try to give her a childhood but couldn't you know why so instead of fighting we should focus on getting back home

Amber: Jose is right you need to come down and stop trying to compete with her she's only been in a school for like one or two months and you already hate her guts because of who her parents are last time I checked she didn't do anything to our mother so you have no reason to hate her for her parents sins

Lizzie: I don't care what you guys say but I still hate her until she gives me reasons to not, her parents hurt our family and broke it apart in the past I'm not going to let that go and now that we are in the past I'm going to make sure she was never born

Hope: you can't do that

Lizzie: watch me and I know deep down that you know that you were not supposed to be born

Josie: Lizzie if you change the time line to where she's never born that would mean we would never be born to

Landon: what do you mean by that

Amber: it would mean if hopes dad would have never cheated on our mom I would have never been born and Lizzie and Josie would have never ended up in her womb

Amber: wait what do you mean by Lizzie and Josie would have never been in her womb

Josie: there is something that most people don't know about our family

Hope: what is it you guys sound like that Amelia is not your mother

Josie: that's because she's not

Hope: what do you mean

Amber: Josie and Lizzie dad was in love with another woman who is a witch she was murdered on their wedding day so the coven save Lizzie and Josie and put them in Mom's womb and she carried them ever since and raise them

Hope: so you guys don't know who your real mother is

Lizzie: no and we don't want to know we don't know her and she's just a DNA we share, Amelia will always be our mother (says)

Landon: we're here so what now

Josie: right now we go in (says)

They open the schools door to see

Do you think Lizzie was in the wrong for saying this to Hope or was she right about everything?

everything you never hadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang