18 years ago

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Amelia Forbes was with her friends trying to stop an unHumanity Elena since she tried to kill her mother at the party

Caroline: I am going to kill her (says walking around the woods with her sister)

Amelia: well we got to find her first (says, they then hear screaming out in the open and ran to it they then saw elena killing someone)

Caroline:amelia you need to go

Amelia:what I can help you

Caroline:amelia I love you and all but you're human and I'm a vampire and I'm stronger than Elena I would like it better if you're safe (says)

Amelia: fine but call me on what happened (caroline nods and amelia leaves)


Amelia was sitting in her bedroom when she called Klaus to check up on Hayely who klaus was protecting but he didn't answer, caroline then came in with blood on her clothes

Amelia: oh my God are you okay (gets up)

Caroline: I'm fine Stefan and Damon were there to stop her (says) what are you doing

Amelia: trying to call Klaus (says)

Caroline: I still cannot believe you're dating him after everything he done to our friends and family

Amelia: he was just broken Caroline, instead of trying to hurt him we need to try and understand him (says)

Caroline: whatever you say

Amelia: I'm going to go and see if he's at home (says changing clothes)

Caroline:ok (says and amelia leaves)


Amelia made it to the mikaelaon mansion,she knocked on the door and Rebekah answer it

Amelia:hey bekah (says)

Rebekah:hey melia what are you doing here (says nervously)

Amelia:just came to see klaus where is he (ask)

Rebekah:uh mm he isn't here he went out awhile ago (says lying)

Amelia:ok i'll just wait (says about to come in)

Rebekah:I'm sorry but you cant come in (says)

Amelia:and why not

Rebekah:because I said so (says and slam the door in her face)

Amelia:what is wrong with her (says and goes around the back)

Amelia went through the back door and headed to Klaus's room when she got there she heard moaning in the room, amelia didn't want to think the worst so she slowly opened the door and saw klaus and Hayely going at it on the table, Amelia slowly back up going out when she bumped into a cup and it fell

Klaus and hayley stop to see amelia there, the two moved away from each other and cover themselves

Klaus:amelia it is not what is looks like (says)

Amelia:so you not smashing my best friend is nothing

Klaus looked at her and look down

Hayely:melia I am-

Amelia:and you, you were suppose to be my bestfriend i saved you ass so many times, I even stand by you when you slept with my sisters boyfriend and now you go after mines

Hayely:amelia-(got cut off when Amelia slap her)

Klaus:amelia your going a little to far now (says and grabs her throat)

Amelia:your really going to protect her (says hurt)

Klaus:if I have to now I want you to leave my house and never come back (says)

Amelia slowly started crying she looked at Hayley and left when she got home she went on a full break down

Caroline:amelia your back how was-(stops to see amelia crying)omg what happened

Amelia:Klaus h..he cheated on m..me with h..h..hayley (says crying)

Caroline:that bitch first tyler now Klaus what is so special about her (says)

Amelia:I don't know but I just want to die (says)

Caroline:no amelia do not say that, we are going to get through this i promise you (says)

Amelia:(nods and hugs her)


4 months later, since the break up, caroline came running in the mystic grill

Caroline:amelia you will never guess what I just find out

Amelia:what is is

Caroline:ok so you know what happened with Hayley and Klaus (amelia nods)well its turns out Hayley got pregnant from it


Caroline:yeah hayley and the Mikaelsons family all went to new Orleans to protect her and the baby

Amelia:(looks down)

Caroline:its going to be ok Amelia they are the past now

Amelia:your right i have to get over him

Caroline:yeah you do now lets go find the others (says)


Two years later, caroline was in the hospital giving birth to josie Saltzman while amelia was giving birth in the other room to lizzie Saltzman and amber forbes, Stefan daughter soon the rooms were sounds of the babies cries

Amelia:they are so beautiful (says looking at the two)

Alaric:they are (says smiling)

Amelia:how is care and the baby

Alaric:they're great care is sleeping and josie is getting checked out

Amelia:your naming her after jo (alaric nods)

Alaric:and this is Elizabeth in honer of your mother (amelia smiled)what do you want to name her

Amelia:well I was going to name her Lillian after stefan's mother but since he doesn't want to be in the picture I will name her amber forbes (says)

Alaric:thats perfect

Amelia:this is the best day ever (says and smiles)

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