Chapter 45

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"ight thank you girl , bye ." Mia smiled and walked out the nail salon . She made her way to her car and took her keys out , but then it dropped on the floor .

"Mmcht ." She mumbled to herself .

She picked it up then got back up , but moments later she felt something hard hit her head before dropping to the floor and then blacked out . The unkown man picked her up and threw her in her car and closed the door . He picked her bag up and got in the car , throwing the bag in the passenger seat before switching the car on and then he drove off .

Little did he know , Corey put a tracker on her car and her location was on at all times .

About an hour later , Mia had finally woke up in an unknown place . She looked around her and started panicking . Bre noticed she had woken up and ran to her , giving her a tight hug . London was still knocked out in the corner .

"Omg are you okay?" Bre asked once they pulled away . Her voice was a little bit horse from all the crying .

"I'm o-okay." Mia stuttered . A few tears fell from her eyes and she didn't even bother wiping it away .

"How did you get here ?" She asked Bre .

"I was on my way to the corner store when I felt something hard hit my head , next thing I know I'm here . London had just got here a few minutes after I came , they must've hit her pretty hard ." She said . She was still in shock about the whole situation .

"Who would be so dumb to kidnap someone in broad daylight ." Mia shook her head .

"I don't know , but whoever it is , better watch tf out ." Bre said .

"Did they hurt y'all?" Mia asked .

"No ." Bre shook her head .

"I wonder who are they , and what they want from us ." Mia sighed and layed her head on Bre's lap . Bre let tears roll down her cheeks as she played with Mia's hair .

"Let's just hope the guys find- Omg where am I ?!" They heard London yell .

"London, come here baby." Mia stood up . London looked at them confusingly and made her way towards them .

"Please don't panic okay? We don't know where we-"

"What do you mean you don't know where we are? Who brought us here ?" She panicked . London didn't like any of this .

"London baby, calm down-" Bre was cut off by the door being opened .

"Why tf y'all yelling like that?" Javi walked in . He had food in his hands .

I wonder if that's for us , cause a bad bitch starving. Mia thought to herself .

"Who are you?" Bre asked .

"Nunya business bitch , mmhm this the only meal you'll be getting for the day ." He threw it next to them then walked out . The girls looked at each other and sighed . Mia picked the food up and went to sit on the bed .

At least Javi wasn't cruel enough to put them in a dirty room . There was a king sized bed and a closet in there.

"What time is it?" London asked. Mia checked her watch .

"7:30 pm." She said . London nodded and went to sit next to her . Bre got up and went to sit with them.

The girls ate in silence . They were all in deep thought and couldn't even lie and say they weren't afraid .

"Anyone have their phone on them?" Mia asked .

"Uh let me check." Bre felt in her pockets and sighed. "Nope."

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