How My First Date Got Ruined

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I climbed out of my new car along with Ari and we entered the theatre together where we were meeting Theo and Thai for our double date. Trust me when I say this was my first date but I wasn't that excited and I don't think Ariana was either. Something seemed to have happened yesterday at my party between her and James but she wouldn't tell me.

Personally, I wasn't excited because I just didn't want to be here. I wanted my first date to be with someone of my choice and for him to carry me somewhere of his choice. I didn't want to be on a date with Thai, even though he was gorgeous, because my best friend set us up and because we were extras to the main date.

But never the less, I forgot all the reasons I didn't want to be here when I saw Thai's genuine smile and his open arms waiting to greet me. I hadn't spoken to him much at school, just a couple of times during lunch, in the hall, in class or sometimes at games. So I wasn't that familiar with Thai, nor his brother, so when he hugged me and kissed both my cheeks I was taken by surprise.

"Oh they're friendly, I forgot to mention it. Remember they moved here from France?" Ari told me when she saw my shocked face, "I forgot that you don't get to socialize with guys."

"Okay, now you're teasing," I pouted.

"It's true though. When they told me that you were going to come, I thought, no. Impossible. But look at you! You're here! Tu es ravissante (You're beautiful)!" Thai chuckled. 

"What did you just say?" I frowned a little confused.

"You'll have to find out," he smirked, "So where is your brother and his little followers?"

"Home I guess or maybe a party or most likely somewhere screwing some girl," I shrugged not really caring, "Or maybe they followed me? Who knows?"

"¡Mon Dieu! (My God!) I don't want to die yet! Let's grab some tickets and go in before anyone sees us!" Thai exclaimed and pulled me behind him, towards the ticket stand.

"Such a lovely date you are. Hiding me already," I teased as he collected the tickets.

"Mon ange (angel), you friend-zoned me from you came in here and didn't drool over me," he smiled lightly and placed his hand around my waist pulling me along, "Let's go watch the movie."

"What movie are we watching?" I asked curiously.

"A really scary one," he smirked in my direction, "I'm going to see if I can turn this friendship into one with benefits."

"I'm not afraid of scary movies," I lied, "They put me to sleep so you're about to bore your date to death."

"I don't believe you," he laughed at me and I swallowed the lump in my throat wondering how I would prove him wrong.


"¡Mon Dieu! Woman you've left marks on my arms from digging your nails in my skin and it wasn't from hot wild sex," Thai complained as he seated me in the booth of the burger joint we went to after the movie. I was seated beside Ariana and he took the seat beside his brother Theo, which was directly in front of me.

"I didn't tell you to buy tickets for a horror movie," I defended.

"But you said you weren't scared," he frowned.

"And you knew I was lying so I think it was well deserved," I smiled knowing I had won.

"Well at least now I know you're a wildcat in bed," he smirked.

"Oh shut up. I think you're forgetting that your friends with benefits plan didn't work," I scoffed playfully.

"Bro she already friend-zoned you?" Theo laughed.

"Faire taire (shut up)," Thai mumbled slightly pissed off.

"Tu es con (You're stupid)," Theo continued to laugh at his brother.

"Tu es completement debile (You are completely stupid)," Thai groaned and Ari and I exchanged confused glances.

"Can we speak in a language I understand, ¿Por favor? (Please)" I asked seriously but the guys and Ariana burst into a fit of laughter yet again, "What?"

"Mon ange that's Spanish," Thai laughed even harder and I frowned realizing that they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

"It's really not that funny," I complained and their laughter died down a little bit.

"Ma belle (beautiful), I apologize. Don't get upset," Thai told me and I folded my arms not caving in, "Aww come on. Forgive me. ¿Por favor?"

They all started laughing again and I slouched in my seat. I heard Thai mumble an apology yet again and kiss my cheek but I had zoned them out because a gorgeous, well built, black-haired eye candy had caught my eye as he entered the joint with two younger kids clutching his hand. They appeared to be twins, a boy and a girl, who looked exactly like the guy they were walking with. Were they his kids or just siblings? My eyes grew wide as his eyes met mine and I wanted to sink further into my seat away from Thai whose hands were now resting on mine which were on the table. I wonder if he saw when Thai kissed me.

Dylan froze and visibly tightened his grip on the kids, who looked about four. His eyes grew darker than before as he glared daggers at Thai. I shifted my gaze from him not wanting anyone to suspect the reason for my new interest on the other side of the room and focused on Thai in front of me.

"Are you okay, ma belle?" Thai asked and lifted my hand to him and kissed it.

"I'm fine," I said feeling my throat tighten. I noticed a blonde who had just entered walking over to the table where Dylan had just seated the kids he was with. She quickly kissed him on the lips and took a seat at the table, "Who's that?"

"Who? Dylan?" Thai asked.

"No the chick. She obviously knows Dylan. Her brother has this big thing against him," Theo slapped Thai's head back.

"Dylan's on-again, off-again girlfriend," Ari replied and my heart sunk.

"He has a girlfriend?" the words escaped my mouth and everyone eyed me weirdly, "I mean, I thought he just always slept around, you know?"

"Oh he does," Thai told me.

"But Dylan's a good guy. He's just misunderstood. I'm sure he would settle down with the girl he truly cares about," Theo said a little defensive as he stared directly into my eyes. Did he know something I didn't?

"Yeah right. Bro I get that he's your friend and all but let's be real-"

"Faire taire," Theo groaned warningly at his brother.

"You're friends?" I asked shocked.

"He's known Dylan since diaper days. I have too but we never really got along that well. His parents and our parents are business partners," Thai informed me.

"So those kids are?" I pushed.

"His. He knocked up some chick four years back," Thai told me seriously and my heart sunk again.

"¡Mon Dieu!¡Faire taire!" Theo said angrily, "Don't listen to him. He's on his period. They're his younger brother and sister."

"You're no fun," Thai sighed, "But why do you want to know so much about this moron, ma belle?"

"I'm just curious. That's all," I lied.

"Be careful ma belle. Curiosity killed the cat," Thai warned.

"Yeah but he has nine lives," I retorted.

"Let's actually order, shall we?" Ariana cut in.

"Aww man. I love Skye's bickering," Thai pouted.

"Careful Thai, I might be tempted enough to kiss you," I teased.

"Well finally, some benefits to this friendship!" he said excitedly, throwing his arms in the air dramatically.

"You're an ass," I smirked.

"De rien (You're welcome)."

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