How I Surprised Them

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*4 years later* 

"Take me to him now!" I demanded as my brother collected my luggage from me. I had just returned from Harvard for good. He nodded knowing who I was referring to and led me to his car.

After I had gone off to Harvard, because Dylan refused to let me give up on that opportunity, I had tried to keep in touch with everyone. I called them often, set up video chats and made sure to see them during breaks. Dylan however, had decided to cut me off. He ignored my calls, declined my video chats and most of all, he always disappeared when I was visiting.

I thought at one point that something had happened to him but everyone assured me he was fine. Then I concluded that he was avoiding me. I refused to let him go though and so I asked Ari to keep me updated on him. Jace helped also. I found out that he was tearing up the field, as usual, and doing well in school. His parents were being good parents, surprisingly, and he didn't date girls. I knew that every now and then he had a girl in his bed and the first time I found out, it hurt.

But now I was determined to know why. He wasn't going to cut me off like I never existed, like I never meant anything to we never had something. I made sure no one, but my brother, knew I was coming back today so no one would slip up and tell him anything for him to disappear. I couldn't believe he was treating me this way. After everything we've been through...

As soon as the car had stopped outside his house, I jumped out storming to the door. I entered silently at first and noticed he was sitting in a couch around a table with drinks and snacks laid out on it. He was surrounded with a couple of guys who I assumed were his friends now. Theo and Thai were there also. But then I noticed really noticed him.

His hair had grown out but he still looked perfect to me. He had a cup in his hand which he drank from every now and then and he was laughing with the rest of the guys. He looked so angelic and my heart almost melted at that but then I remembered the reason I was angry at him.

I shut the door and stormed over to him, stopping just in front of him and studied his expression when he saw me. His smile fell and he looked shocked but his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Whoa, she's hot!"


I ignored his friends and climbed onto Dylan's lap smashing my lips to his. Kissing him was still magic, I noted as the sparks moved across my body. With one hand on his jaw and another in his long hair, I worked my lips against his hungrily. He placed his hands on my hips and kissed me back. My lips parted and our tongues met in a hot passionate kiss. The world stopped spinning and everyone around us melted away and it was only us again. Just like our old kisses.

I pulled away then and slapped him across his face the way I wanted to when he didn't answer my calls.

"You're mine," I stated because it was a fact. I caressed his cheek I had just slapped, "Say it."

"I'm yours," he agreed willingly and I pecked his lips before climbing off of him.

"Then why did you do it?" I exclaimed angrily, "The calls, the video chats. The visits, why did you ignore me?!"

"Because it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough for you!" he yelled frustrated.

"I told you Dylan, that you were mine and I was yours and not even my brother nor Harvard was going to keep me away from you! What is it going to take you for you to realize that?!" I screamed at him, "I was going to stay for you! I was going to go to Oregon so we could be together but you told me to go!"

"I couldn't let you give up your dream!"

"You became my dream Dylan so technically I did!" I shouted and poked him in the chest harshly, "You said we could make this work but as soon as I leave you cut me off! You cut me off like I never mattered!"

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