How It Was At School...

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I got several reactions at school. Jace was still giving me the cold shoulder but I decided to give him time. Ari, on the other hand, was way too excited. James was giving me the silent treatment but Ari had threatened him not to be rude. The cheerleaders were shocked yet somehow amused and the rest of the school population was either glaring at me, those were the girls, or smiled knowingly when they saw me.

Of course there was the repeated question, 'What about Jace?' or the common comment, 'How could she' but I figured everyone was in shock and that I'd give them the week to get over it. The cheerleaders gushed at how 'cute we were' and bombarded me with questions about our relationship.

Dylan, on the other hand, was cruising through the school and his friends seemed happy for him. They were the only ones who dared to say anything about 'us' to him though, the rest of the school chose to bother me. The great part about this all though, was that Dylan was happy and that made me happy.

"Hey beautiful," he greeted as I joined him at his table with some of his friends.

"Hey," I kissed him and took the seat beside him.

"Skylar we're a package here, you kiss one you kiss all!" Mark hollered.

"Fine, if it's okay with Dylan," I joked and nudged Dylan playfully.

"No," his answer was final and he placed his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

"He's always been a little selfish babe," Mark teased and Dylan glared at him.

"Well geez...I get to eat over at the dark side," Ari commented as she joined us. She placed her tray on the table and sat beside me, "I always wondered what it's like over here."

"Welcome baby," Mark smirked, "We should have Skylar and her friends here every day."

"Shut up dude," Ari told him and he looked offended but remained silent.

"Ma belle, how are you?" Thai greeted me with a cheek kiss which earned him a glare from Dylan. He sat at the table along with his twin.

"I'm great. How are you?" I replied.

"Entertained. You're brother is giving me life. He looks like he's ready to kill," Thai chuckled and dug into his lunch.

"Babe you went on a date with this guy? He eats like a pig," Dylan said as he watched Thai.

"Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate," Thai sang horribly with his mouth full of food. Ari and I giggled.

"This is why I can't like him. The dude quotes Taylor Swift," Dylan scoffed.

"Hey bro!" Theo called to Thai and he looked up, "Shake him off!"

The table erupted in laughter. Even Dylan gave in and chuckled. I quickly glanced at the table which used to be the centre of attention but was now empty. I watched my brother scowl at me looking betrayed and James shook his head looking disappointed.

I felt Dylan pull me closer in an attempt to make me feel better. I sighed knowing that no matter how happy I was, I would always regret losing my brother. I know I couldn't please everyone but I still wished I could, I leaned further into Dylan deciding that I would let Jace be. I'd give him time. He'd come back to me eventually. He had to. Right?


I opened the door to my house and entered quietly not wanting to wake anybody from their sleep. It was eleven in the night on a Saturday and even though I had told my parents I was going to catch a movie with some friends, I still didn't want to disturb anyone.

"So who is this guy that's keeping you busy?" my mother surprised me by showing herself causing me to let out a shriek. She was seated on a couch obviously waiting for me.

"Mom you scared me!" I whispered yelled.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," she apologized.

"What are you doing in the dark?" I asked joining her on the couch. She wrapped her arm around me and I tilted my head to rest on her shoulder.

"I wanted to hear about this guy you're dating," she confessed and I nodded understandingly.

"His name is Dylan Martin and-"

"Didn't Jace have a friend by that name?" my mother interrupted.

"Yes but Dylan fell in love with me and Jace saw it as him breaking the code so he stopped talking to him two years ago. Dylan and I started talking some months ago and now Jace isn't talking to me because he found out recently and he feels betrayed," I informed my mother as she played in my hair.

"He's your father's child. Stubborn and selfish. But you know what?"

"What?" I asked curiously.

"They come around," she answered and I sighed hoping it was true, "So tell me about Dylan."

"He's sweet and really caring. He's sometimes over-protective but it's cute. He's smart and determined. He's strong, definitely strong. He has bad parents and he does everything to protect his siblings from them. Dylan is so selfless. He's so beautiful," I said sounding love struck.

"He sounds perfect," my mom kissed my forehead.

"He is."

"When can I meet him?" she was excited.

"When do you want to?"

"Does tomorrow night for dinner sound good?" she asked, "He can bring his siblings!"

"Won't Jace be upset?" I was worried.

"Most likely but this is my house, I can do what I want," she smirked evilly, "And your brother can't say shit about it."

"He'll be upset," I repeated with a smile. My mother was devious.

"Well he can't be upset that I gave him life. We're ending this feud. I took that stubborn boy into this world and I'll take him out of it if I have to," she stated not really sounding serious, "He really needs a girlfriend."

"Everyone says that," I grinned and my mother and I shared a knowing look.

"Do you think he's...?" she trailed off but I understood her question.

"No I don't," I shook my head wildly, "I just think he's too caught up in protecting me, he doesn't think he can manage another girl to protect."

"Maybe that's it," she agreed and got up along with me. We went upstairs together and she stopped and kissed my cheek, "Goodnight baby girl."

"Night mom," I replied and we went off into our own directions; she went to her room and I went to mine. I dug in my pocket and took out my phone quickly dialing Dylan's number. He picked up on the first ring, "Hello?"

"Hey babe. What's up?" he answered.

"You, Dana and Daniel are having dinner with my family at my house tomorrow at six. Don't be late," I informed him.

"And what about the big bad brother?" he laughed.

"You're making up."

"I already told you, Jace isn't my type," he joked.

"Well he is now. Get ready to do some ass kissing," I warned him.

"Now you want me to kiss him. Am I to match my outfit with his too?" he teased.

"Dylan!" I groaned.

"Sorry babe. Ok, I'll be on my best behavior," he promised.

"Thank you," I said sweetly, "I love you so much!"

"I love you too Skye. It hurts," he responded, "Night babe. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Dylan."

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