How The Bad Boy Made Me Feel Safe...

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"How was your date?" James scowled as Ariana and I joined him and Jace at our normal table.

"Amazing," Ari smiled.

"Yeah, Theo and Thai are a real work of art. They're so fun to be around," I finished for Ari.

"What? We're fun to be around," James frowned, "Right?"

"But like Theo's accent was perfect though and he's so sweet," Ari continued in a love struck voice. James got up from the table and walked off clearly pissed.

"That was mean Ari," I told her.

"Well he deserves it. I should text Theo and give him a heads up that a very jealous James is probably on his way over," Ari said while getting her phone out and typing up a message.

"Hopefully he's around Dylan so that James can kick both their asses," Jace sounded hopeful.

"We both know that Dylan would be the one kicking ass," Ari stated confidently.

"I could take him though," Jace boasted.

"Yeah right," I scoffed.

"Excuse me?" Jace sounded offended.

"I'm just saying, every time you've gotten in a fight with Dylan, he ends up on top of you," I defended.

"I don't want you calling his name. Anyone but you, okay?" Jace scowled.

"Whatever," I brushed him off.

"You know that everything I do is for the good of you and that I love you right?" Jace asked me.

"I guess," I shrugged not really caring to prolong the conversation.

"Salut (Hi)!" a voice greeted as the person sat at our table. I looked up into the green eyes of Thai and immediately smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"Bien, merci (Good, thanks)," He answered and ruffled my hair, "How are you ma belle?"

"I'm great," I replied.

"Excuse me? I'm right here!" Jace's strict voice cut through the air making it tense.

"I know that but as you can see my girl Skye and I are talking," Thai stated coolly.

"Your girl Skye?" Jace raised his eyebrow.

"Ma belle, please tell your brother he needs a girlfriend," Thai snapped and then smirked when he realized how ticked off Jace was.

"He knows that already," I sighed. My eyes scanned the cafeteria searching for a familiar pair of dark ones. I found them already focusing on our table, focusing on me and I fought back the urge to wave and smile but then it came easy as I remembered that he used me. That's all I could think about last night. He had a girlfriend when he stole my first kiss. He had a girlfriend when he snuck in my window to give me the gift on my birthday. He confused me. But not anymore. I tore my eyes away from Dylan.

"I don't need a girlfriend!" Jace protested.

"But you do," Thai sounded sure of himself.

"Guys I'm going to head to class a little bit early and see if I can run through some notes before class starts," I got up from the table with my friends and gathered my stuff.

"Au revoir ma belle (Goodbye, beautiful)," Thai waved goodbye to me and kissed my cheek. I offered a heartwarming smile and then kissed both Jace's and Ariana's cheek before leaving the cafeteria and entering the hall.

I found my locker and opened it to reveal the usual note that had stopped coming last week. For some reason, I grew excited as I opened the note from my admirer in anticipation. I unfolded the letter and focused on the words before me. 'I hate seeing you with other guys. You're mine and one day I hope you'll realize it.' I gulped after reading the message. My admirer sounded like a stalker and I was starting to think it would be best to tell my brother about this guy.

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