Bonus Chapter

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"Daddy can you pass the potatoes?" Joshua, Jace's son asked. He was very polite for a five year old.

"Sure just let me ask Uncle Dylan," Jace replied. We were having our regular Sunday family dinner. We would all gather on Sunday at me and Dylan's house and the females would prepare dinner while the men played games, "Dylan could you pass the potatoes?"

"Yeah, here you go," Dylan passed the dish to my brother.

"Heyo! I'm here! Sorry I'm late-ahh!" Theo yelled entering the room before stubbing his toe on a table, "Shit!"

"Shit!" Thai's twin girls exclaimed.

"No girls. Don't say that word. Bad!" Amelia warned the three year old girls sternly.

"Theo," Thai growled warningly and he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," he said and took a seat at the table.

"You're such an-"

"Ass!" Joshua shouted cutting off his father. Jace eyes widened.

"Where did you learn that word?" Alicia frowned.

"That's my nephew," Dylan high-fived Joshua who grinned.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jace glared at my husband.

"Let's sing a song," one of Thai's twin girls suggested.

"Dork," Michael, James and Ari's four year old son teased.

"Michael that's not nice," Ari told him, "Apologize."

"Sorry Gabby," he looked down at his food.

"Wimp," Daniel mocked and Dana pushed him lightly.

"Danny leave them alone," she said lightly.

"Who is teaching our kids these words?" Ari asked frustrated.

"Uncle Dylan and Uncle Theo," they all chorused together. Dylan and Theo glared at the children.

"I'm not talking to you guys anymore," Dylan said stubbornly and Theo agreed.

"Guys can we settle? Now that everyone is here," I cleared my throat, "I have some news."

"Me too," Theo grinned.

"You can go first," I told him politely.

"Okay if that's what you want. I'm seeing someone," he announced and everyone's mouth fell open in shock.

"You?" Joshua laughed, "Yeah right."

"And Gabby is my girlfriend," Michael snorted.

"What?" Thai scowled at the kid.

"Nothing," he stated quickly but not before grinning in Gabrielle's direction which caused her to giggle along with her twin Ella.

"Wait. Are you serious?" Amelia asked.


"Tell us more!" Ari instructed clearly interested. Everyone was.

"She's from France. I met her when I went to visit the old folks the other day," he informed us.

"So that's what took you so long to get back," Thai grinned leaning back in his chair.

"Well damn, I never thought the day would come," Dylan teased and I slapped his back, "What?"

"Stop swearing in front of the kids," I warned and he nodded.

"Sorry babe," he apologized.

"Can your news wait? I think this is enough for one day. I think I need to be put on a machine after this," Jace frowned.

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