How We Disagreed...

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I smiled at Dylan as he rubbed my feet which were covered in socks. We were lying on the couch in his room with our legs tangled. I was on one end wearing his T-shirt and only underwear and he was on the other end in only his boxers. I watched him as he played with my feet.

"The game on Friday is pretty big," I said trying to start a conversation.

"Are you nervous for me?" Dylan smirked.

"No, Mr. Star Player. You've got this," I teased but got serious again, "There'll be lots of recruiters."

"I know but I've already been recruited," he told me and took in my shocked expression.

"And you didn't tell me because..?"

"Because I didn't know how to. I know you want to go to Harvard and let's be honest, I can't leave my siblings. I got recruited by the University of Oregon which has a pretty good football team and it's in town so the twins wouldn't have to do a big move. I guess I didn't know what to say. We just started dating and we're bound to split up," he stopped massaging my foot and stared at me.

"How did you know I wanted to go to Harvard?" I asked surprised that he knew that.

"You tend to know things about people who hold your interest," he smiled lightly but I could see through it, "And you're a really smart girl. You need to go to Harvard. They need you. You have so much more to do with your life. Don't let me hold you back."

"So I'll be going off and leaving you behind," I concluded sadly feeling my heart ache at the idea.

"Pretty much but you'll be okay," he brushed his fingers against my cheek.

"Will you?"

"I don't know," he stared into my eyes. I figured I would change the topic because he looked extremely hurt and I felt the same way.

"So I'm back on the field this Friday," I tried my best to smile but then it came naturally when I saw him smirk.

"You'll be cheering you're pretty little ass off for me?"

"Always," I promised and kissed him before pulling back as I remembered I wanted to tell him something, "Jace actually said something nice about you the other day."

"What? It's just because he got dumped so now he's on the market. I'm not into him," Dylan joked and I slapped his arm.

"Stop troubling my brother," I warned playfully.

"Seriously though, thank God they broke up. James and Ari make a cute couple, although Ari's the better looking half," Dylan smirked evilly, "By far."

"Okay that's enough talking," I told him and climbed on top of him. I placed both my hands on his cheek and kissed him. He rested his hands on my back just above my bottom as we kissed.

"You know, I never thought the day would come where you'd actually be my girlfriend," he pulled away smiling. He reached over and pulled something out of a bag that was on the ground, "I got you something."

"What is it?" I asked and he pulled the gift up revealing a team shirt with his number and 'Dylan's Girl' on the back. I grabbed it from him and smiled, "Thank you baby, I love it!"

"I wanted you to wear it at the game but then you found out you have to cheer. I still want us to tell everyone that we're together though. I think it's the perfect time and place," he said and I laughed thinking he was joking but then I looked into his eyes and saw that he was serious.

"Dylan, my brother-"

"I'll take my chances," he sounded determined.

"No," I told him and got up from the couch.

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