Getting Creative

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That's all I was aware of as my beautiful mate brushed past me. When she paused to apologize, I looked down at her bewildered. Why would she apologize for the delicious feeling of skin-on-skin contact? Before I could stop myself, I murmured, "You're the shock of a lifetime."

And she was. A human for a mate? Never in a million years would I have guessed my mate would be human. In fact, my dissatisfaction over the past couple of days had been due to having to accept a human under my roof. How the tables had turned now.

That was another thing. She kept thanking my parents for allowing her to live with us. She should be thanking us my wolf muttered. I nodded my head. We are the Alpha, the one in charge of this house, of the pack, and the pack lands. But something I'd said to my mother earlier rang through my head. I'd argued against greeting my mate because she did not know I was the Alpha and therefore would not feel snubbed if I didn't show up. Likewise, my mate most likely assumed my parents owned the house, and therefore, they were in charge. They'd been the ones to allow her to live with us. 

The more I thought about it, the more I realized we'd have to be careful with her around. I'd been worried about this from the beginning; just for different reasons. Now that I knew this human was my mate, and would soon have to learn about my kind in order to move ahead with the marking and mating process, we'd have to ease her into the world of werewolves...and other things. 

I bout of nervousness slithered down my spine. What if this didn't go well? What if when she did find out, she was afraid? What if she left?

She will not leave us, my wolf soothed, she is our mate. She may be afraid, but not forever.

I'm glad one of us is confident, I replied snarkily. 

My wolf growled at me. I AM confident. And you should be too! She is our mate. Have some confidence in her.

My shoulders slumped as I leaned back in my office chair. He had a point. I was getting too ahead of myself, anticipating what would happen. Just as Brett had warned me, I needed to stop anticipating specifics and assuming that I knew what my opponent, or in this case my mate, would do. 

My jaw tightened with resolve. I would win her over. Slowly, I reminded myself. This was going to take time. And sensitivity and understanding. If she had questions I would answer them. I would lie to her as little as possible for the time being. Stick as close to the truth as possible.

Glancing at my watch, I noted it was almost six. My stomach grumbled as if to underscore the fact that it was dinner time.

Getting up, I strolled out of my office, pausing at the stairs; debating whether or not I should go seek out my mate and escort her to the dining hall. I decided against it. She'd probably think it was weird that a strange man had come knocking at her door. A small part of my heart lept in excitement as I remembered Mrs. Hill had put her in the bedroom two doors down from mine. She'd be so close, yet impossibly out of reach for the time being.

Entering the dining hall, I inhaled as the savory aroma of dinner reached my nose. It looked like Cook had prepared beef stew, mash potatoes, and green beans tonight. I wrinkled my nose at the beans. Vegetables were subpar in my opinion. I nodded at a few of my pack members, fist-bumped a few of the unmated warriors sitting at their usual table, and joined my immediate family members. I noticed there was a new spot added to the table. I grinned. My mate's spot. 

"Look at him," Brett grunted, "He's horny just looking at his mate's table setting."

Brett's mate, Louise, smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't be crass!"

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