Revenge at Last

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I sprinted toward the stairs leading up to the third floor. I needed to get my phone. If only I could mindlink Julian! I launched myself past the bottom three steps and raced upstairs. I could hear Macciata behind me, his preditorial growl chasing me. Reaching the top of the stairs, I used the bannister to swing myself sharply to the left and propel feet down the hall. 

Reaching our bedroom, I darted inside, slamming the door shut and turning the lock. My heart was racing as I tried to catch my breath. I needed to barricade the door to hold off Macciata long enough for me to call Julian. I went to the dresser closest to the door and gave it a shove with my shoulder. It didn't budge.

My eyes darted from the door to the dresser, then to my phone on the other side of the bed, then back to the door. I was wasting time. Somewhere down the hall, Macciata let out a floor shaking growl. He was too close for me to waste anymore time.

Running to the bed, I scrambled across it and tuck and rolled onto the ground on the other side. I frantically patted the nightstand until I found my phone. I unlocked it, aware of how loud my breathing was. Clicking into my contacts, I scrolled to Julian's number and pressed the call button. I pressed my free hand to my chest as I put the phone to my ear.

I waited on baited breath as the first ring sounded. "Please pick up," I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.

A hard thump against the door made me jump, a petrified scream dying in my throat. I stared wide eyed at the door, watching as Macciata rammed into it again. The hinges strained against the force. I prayed they held for just a little longer as another ring sounded on the phone.

"Julian," I whined, tears starting to sting my eyes. "Please, please pick up." I sucked in a breath, holding back a sob. This was it. Another thump against the door made me cringe. Turning around, I pulled out the nightstand drawer and started rifling through it in the hopes of finding a weapon. On the phone, Julian picked up my call. But I barely heard his voice as my blood ran cold.

"Don't you know climbing higher only makes it harder to escape?" 

I whipped around, cringing against the nightstand. Macciata stood in the doorway, his chest heaving as he wiped at his forehead. The tip of his tongue snuck out between his lips, slowly scraping across one exposed canine. 

"Megan, are you alright?" Julian's voice beckoned from the phone.

I gulped, not daring to speak. A slow grin spread across Macciata's face. 

"Aren't you going to answer your Alpha?" Macciata started forward. I scrambled off the floor, my phone falling to the ground.

"Don't take another step!" I shouted, grabbing the lamp; ripping the cord out of the wall and raising it defensively above my head.

I could faintly hear Julian's distraught but muffled voice at my feet. A lone tear ran down my cheek. 

"I appreciate your bravado my dear," Macciata chuckled. "You don't know how good it feels to see you like this!"

I shivered, hyperaware of the way the bulge in Macciata's pants strained against the fabric.

"Now, this is the part where you make a stupid move," he goaded. 

I licked my lips, my eyes darting around the room. I could run to the balcony doors and hope to escape before he catches me. The voice in the back of my head told me I wouldn't even make it half the distance before he caught me. My only other options were to charge him or stand my ground. 

Macciata was starting to grow impatient, anxiously cracking his knuckles.

"I have all the time in the world you bastard," I ground out. 

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