At Odds

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I'd been avoiding Julian ever since we returned to Grimfur late Saturday afternoon. The ride back had been silent after he so boldly told me how it's going to be. Every time I replayed his words in my head, I tched. He had another thing coming. Still, a small part of my heart turned over whenever I thought about how confidently he stated his intentions. 

I woke up early on Sunday morning, intent on going to church. I needed to get out of the house and away from prying Walker eyes. Julian's mother had been in the entryway arranging a vase of flowers when we came in. She looked almost hopeful when she saw us, but that quickly vanished when I marched past her and up the stairs. I heard her ask her son how it went. He grumbled something in reply before retreating to the kitchen. I skipped dinner Saturday night, sneaking down later to get something to eat once everyone had gone to bed. I almost crossed paths with Julian in the hall, but quickly ducked back into the kitchen to avoid being seen. I peeked around the corner just in time to see him open the door that led to the basement, boxing gloves and water bottle in hand. 

As if Julian's mother wasn't enough, Brett (I'd yet to figure how he was related to the Walkers) came nosing at my door to ask if I wanted to watch a movie with everyone. I respectfully declined, expecting that to be the end of it. Of course, that was not the case. Brett not so tactfully tried to ask me how the date- day trip went. I put an end to that quickly, telling him that if he was trying to get me to feel any sympathy for Julian, he would not be successful.

Scrambling two eggs in a dish, I emptied them into a hot frying pan and began to stir when the egg heated through. I had yet to see anyone this morning, not even Cook. I suppose she had the day off. It was just as well I shrugged. I needed time alone.

As luck would have it, that would not be the case. Glancing out the window over the sink, I spotted a group of figures emerging from the woods. I groaned. That's the direction Julian and the rest of his crew always came from after their early morning practices. Don't they ever give it a break?

I turned up the heat on the stove, hoping to cook my egg faster. Maybe I could pack it up in a travel mug and exit the kitchen before the approaching group arrived. I hurriedly flung open the cupboards, searching for a Tupperware container. 

"Where are the damn containers?" I muttered.

"Top shelf, cabinet next to the fridge."

I jumped, whirling around. Julian, along with Clare and Mason Walker, Sabrina and her partner, Brett, and Michael stood just inside the kitchen all looking at me. Of course, most of the men, save Julian's father, were bare-chested and sweating.

I gulped. "G-good morning." I cleared my throat, hating that I always seemed to develop a stutter whenever Julian or his family were around.

Julian nodded, looking away as he took a seat at the breakfast bar. Sabrina and Clare gave me polite smiles while Brett and Michael gazed at me cooly. Had he told them how our trip to Portland went? Did they also want Julian and I to be a thing? I supposed that maybe Clare wanted grandchildren sometime soon. But Sabrina and Donovan could to that for her. 

The smell of something starting to burn caught my attention. I sucked in a breath as I saw smoke rising from my now toasted omlet. I quickly went to the stove, flipping it into the container I rummaged out of the cabinet. I grimaced as I saw the charred mess. But it wasn't that big of a deal. My appetite was starting to fade anyway. The awkward tension in the room just made me want to get out at this point.

"You're up early for a Sunday dear," Clare chirped, her voice breaking the silence. 

I glanced up at her. "Mhmm." I forced my eyes to stay glued to her, otherwise they would drift to Julian. He looked sullen, the sight making my chest hurt slightly. I hated knowing that others felt bad because I caused them that pain.

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