The Plan

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I laid awake for the better half of the night. Beside me, my mate slept curled into my side. Her sleep was fitful, but she never once fully woke. As for me, I would look at her often, caress her hair, place gentle kisses on her forehead, and breathe in her comforting scent. A part of me was afraid that if I allowed myself to sleep soundly for just one moment, she'd be gone when I woke up.

When the early rays of morning began to turn our room from black to gray, Meg woke up. She groaned, shifting beside me. With her eyes still closed, she reached out, clawing the air for something. I grasped her fingers, bringing them to my lips.

"Mm," she murmured, her voice deep with sleep.

"Good morning beautiful."

She harumphed, pulling her hand away and moving to roll over. But when she was mid roll, flat on her back, I took the opportunity to straddle her. I watched with a smirk as her eyes flew open, a sharp gasp emitting from her chest. But the gasp was not one of surprise but one of fear. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at me, alarm briefly flitting across her features. I could sense her fear through the bond. I immediately eased back, raising my hands.

"It's okay. It's me."

"Julian," she whispered, her face immediately crumpling.

"Shh," I murmured, getting off of her and scooping her up in my arms as I sat on the bed, cradling her in my arms gently.

I hugged her tight as sobs wracked her body, her muffled cries echoing against my chest. I rested my head back against the wall, closing my eyes. I was going to kill the bastard who'd hurt her when I get my hands on him.

A hand pressed against my chest made me open my eyes. I looked down, placing my hand over my mate's slender fingers. She was looking up at me, her eyes red and puffy, a few stray tears still staining her cheeks.

She swallowed hard, looking down somewhere at my chest.

"I swore I was going to die."

I clenched my jaw, a muscle twitching. 

"I knew he could be a horrible man, but I never guessed he'd be an absolute monster."

"He's a dead monster when I find him," I growled.

Meg smoothed a hand down the side of my face. "You don't understand. He is truly evil. I opened the closet in his hallway. It was stuffed full of dead canaries. Killing and cruelty toward animals are signs of a psychopath. He'd kill you if he get's the chance."

I snorted, jostling my mate. "You really think a rogue werewolf like him has anything on an Alpha?"

Meg swatted my chest lightly. "That's not the point. It's that you could get hurt. I don't want that!"

I nodded, hugging her close. "I know. I know...but it's not going to happen. I promise."

"Julian," she murmured, a voice cracking. "When he saw me looking in the closet, he snapped. He threw me to the ground. And later he pushed me down the stairs. I- I can't help but imagine what he would've done if he'd decided to finish me off then. I would've been unconscious. Unable to fight back-" She broke off as she tried to hold back another cry.

I kissed her forehead, smoothing back her brunette curls. 

"Julian I'm not going to be able to sleep soundly, or even go to work normally until I know he's in jail."

"Oh he won't be seeing jail time ever."

Meg's head shot up, her eyebrows raised. 

"I'm completely serious when I say Macciata is a dead man Meg. I'm not leaving any possibility for him to ever get to you again."

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