Chapter- 9

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A mousy male voice whispered into the darkness.
"Shanice Brown suspects something."
After a moment of silence, Alex urged her lover to turn over and settle on his hands and knees. She licked a scorching path up his spine, peppering him with a combination of open-mouthed kisses and blunt questions. He was quite delicious, if somewhat boring.
"How do you know?" A bite to the supple flesh of his left ass cheek elicited a gasp from the recipient of her sharp nips.
"S-she called me to her office and...oh god," the pawn gasped. The cock Alex boldly explored throbbed wildly beneath her fingers.
"Continue," she whispered sharply, tugging on his full sac.
"I went to her office. The invoices associated with the purchase order for the Sony shipping contract didn't...aahhh! Didn't add up. Please. Please..."
A wild sigh ensued, followed by thrashing hips that sought fulfilment of the need Alex carefully cultivated.
"Tell me the rest. Now." It came out of cold command. But not cold enough to douse the flames of the rock-hard rod in her hand.
"I-I told her that the rest of the invoices were probably waiting to be s-sent. That it could be as s-simple as an accounting technicality."
"Did she buy it?"
"Oh god, yes!" Pant. Gasp. "Yes, she bought it."
"Good boy." One hand petted the sensitive balls underneath the pawn's weeping penis, carefully slipping a single finger into the pawn's puckered hole. The other hand remained wrapped around his cock, pumping roughly. Down around the base, then up to sweep over the sensitive glans. Alex's mouth followed it, greedily taking him to the very back of her throat just as the finger in his ass tickled his prostate. The pawn spun into oblivion, the intensity of his orgasm expressed in a screech as he came so hard he didn't notice she'd neither kissed nor swallowed.
Not five minutes after seeing the pawn to the elevator, Alexandra headed to the shower. She flipped the water on, adjusted it to the desired temperature. And brooded.
After all, Shanice Brown wasn't a high six-figure Executive Vice President for nothing. The woman's division had closed more multi-million dollar deals than any other in the entire company, ever. She alone was responsible for getting goods manufactured in Japan into the hands of consumers a full six months before the competition. Sharp didn't begin to describe Brown. And that was exactly what would get Alex's ass in a sling if she didn't find a way to advance her plans. Shit.
Shanice Brown was a whiz at negotiating contracts. But negotiating wasn't the issue here. The Sony deal had been won, closed and was currently being expedited. So why was Brown digging into this particular one? Usually, once a deal was closed, only the project manager responsible for executing the details bothered to revisit the actual documents signed by all parties. Alex knew she had to move faster, or get caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Her first thought was to discredit Brown. But how? The woman was untouchable, her position in the company solid, and her reputation as spotless as newly fallen snow. Hell, last Alex heard, Brown had been seen at the lake south of town, walking on water.
Sigh. Snatching her cell up off the tiled counter Alex hit the speed dial, leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. Her stomach danced from one side of her belly to the other. Strange how she craved and dreaded talking to the man whose smooth sexy voice floated through the earpiece.
"What?" Viktor asked flatly.

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