Chapter- 32

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The intercom quietly beeped.
"Sore wa Brown Shanice des. Hello, this is Shanice Brown."
"Mr Buzzeo is here to see you, ma'am."
"Thank you, Tsubaki-san. Send him in," she replied politely. "And please hold all calls and appointments for the rest of the day."
"Yes, ma'am."
She placed the phone on the cradle just as Massimo stepped in looking like sin on wheels. Just perfect, 'cause she felt like a bitch on heels.
"Wanna tell me what the hell you're doing in my division?"
The man had the nerve to tilt his head and look at her like she was crazy. Shanice didn't give a shit. He may be the man in bed. But 'round here, she was the woman.
"Nice to see you too, Shan." His fingers tapped the deadbolt and the sound of the lock snicking into place sent the fine hairs on the back of Shanice's neck into hyper-disco mode.
"I didn't come in here to argue. You promised me lunch today."
"That was before you deceived me, damn it."
"Deceived you? What did I lie about, Shan? I did mention my promotion, I just didn't mention moving into your space. Why? Because I'm not going to have my woman thinking I want to be with her so she can get me a fucking job." Jaw ticking and colour rising in his cheeks, Massimo quietly snapped every word through gritted teeth. The man was actually mad? Now didn't that beat all? Snark!
Whoa! His woman? Was he serious?
"I never want you to feel used or taken for granted, Shan. I want you to feel cherished while I give you the ride of your life. You deserve to be happy, baby. And if I'm not man enough to make my own way, there's no way I'm man enough to keep you."
Hell, just take all the heat out of my mad, why do n'tcha?
Unfolding his arms from across his wide chest, his stance was a bit more relaxed, thank god. Massimo alone was enough. Massimo plus an intense pissed-off male was too explosive by half. Well, at least he didn't seem the type to hold a grudge.
"So, where would you like to go?" he asked with a come-hither tilt of his head.
"I don't have time for lunch."
"How about a nice hard fuck, then I bring you back something to eat after I've had my fill of you?"
"Huh?" Oh how articulate, Shan. God, she wanted to kick herself at how easily he reduced her to a blithering dimwit.
"You didn't think last night was a one-night stand did you?"
"I-I, uh..." In fact, she'd wondered, but had been so exhausted by the time he left her early this morning, she hadn't had the wits to catch him and have "the talk" about where this all was going.
But now the man was closer than arm's length and moving in fast. A full-body shudder worked its way through Shan's nervous system when an open-mouthed lick travelled up her neck, followed by Massimo sucking on her earlobe, diamond stud and all.
"I...oh, dear god. I'm sorry," she stammered. "I just don't have time to go anywhere today. Something's come up." Yes, work. Work had always been her safe haven. She could hide any... Hold up. She wasn't hiding from Massimo, was she?
"Of course you have time," he sighed into her ear, then bit that damn spot that made her insides dance an Irish jig as if she were the lead in the cast of Riverdance. "Fucking is like Jell-O. There's always room for Jell-O." And his voice did that growly thing she liked. Yep, for a woman who'd always been ruled by her intellect and drive to succeed, the man reduced her to a shivering mass of lust and need with little more than a nip or two. In a word, she was toast. Burnt. No butter.
Her seat twirled around to face him. Massimo wasted no time hitting his knees and pushing hers apart. Why, oh why hadn't she worn her granny panties and control top hose instead of sheer thigh-highs today? Because when you got up this morning you recalled a sexy night in Massimo's arms and felt all siren-delicious.

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