Chapter- 36

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The last few weeks had been heaven and thankfully predictable. Shanice knew Massimo waited in the cafeteria in the same spot they'd been meeting everyday. He was settling into his new position at Expedex quite nicely. Not to mention settling into her just as nicely.
The intercom beeped, and Tsubaki-san's soft voice came through. "Miss Charli on line one to speak with you, ma'am."
"Thank you, Tsubaki-san. I'll be heading to lunch after this phone call. You should too, so forward all calls to voice mail until after you get back."
"Hai. Yes, ma'am."
Shanice picked up the handset with a smile. "Hey chicklet, how are you?"
"Great! The designs are coming along wonderfully. And I've designed a little something for you, sis." It made Shanice feel good to hear the happiness stream through the phone. Charli was enjoying life, just like she'd always wanted her to.
One of the advantages of having a sister who was a kick ass designer and tailor was that Shanice got to be the guinea pig for all the new designs. Well, it was usually a plus, unless Charli pulled something funky out of the hat like that orange velvet thing she'd
tried to talk Shanice into wearing to a local charity fundraiser.
"So, what's up, Shan? You sound preoccupied. More so than usual, I mean."
"I, uh, I'm due to meet Massimo for lunch any minute."
"You two have been thick as thieves. Dinner every night. Lunch every day. So, why don't you sound happier?"
"Same old concerns. Different day."
"Massimo or work?"
"Take your pick. Look, I've got to run, so..."
"Oh no you don't, Shan. You're going to give me a clue before we get off this phone or I'm keeping the peach cobbler I made for you this afternoon."
"You made me peach cobbler?"
"Don't change the subject, woman. What's going on? I thought you and Massimo were really hitting it off."
Shanice wiped her palm across her brow with a sigh. "Look, Charli, it's just that I don't know what to think or feel. The more time we spend together the more I wonder about..." A pause was required to get her head together. Besides, it was her fault that
she hadn't brought these things up to Massimo, and as far as he knew their relationship was just dandy. With a deep breath, she pushed on. "I don't doubt Massimo's sincerity.
And his love making skills? Dayum! I enjoy spending time with him. In fact, he's spoiled me for any other man. But what about years from now when the difference in our ages, let alone our races, begin to show?"
Shanice hit the speakerphone button, pushed back from her desk and started to pace in front of the huge window that overlooked the Expedex properties.
"Perhaps I'm being premature, Charli, but I haven't become successful by failing to plan or considering the results of my actions. What about ten or fifteen years from now?
And what if the man wants children? By the time any child of ours reached age twenty, I'd be almost ready for social security while Massimo was still in his prime. What then?"
"You mean other than the fact that you'll both be older," Charli quipped smartly.
Shanice ignored the remark and pushed on, letting all of her emotional baggage tumble to the carpet and fall open.
"God, there just seems to be such a huge gap between fifty-two and sixty. And sixty-two and seventy. Sheesh. Then there's our family and the herd of cows they'd have if I showed up in the South on Massimo's arm."
"Why? Because he's white? Girlfriend, puh-lease," Charli chortled. Shanice wasn't sure what was so funny, but she was sure Charli would let it slip any second now.
"Shan, you've never given a damn what anyone thinks, including our absent family.
Hey, you know what just popped into my mind? Remember that guy I dated in high
school? Monty?"
"Oooh, the hottie from Puerto Rico? Yes, how could I forget? He had a smile that made me want to drop to the floor and yell, do me now!" Shanice laughed, remembering the young man her sister had brought home for her to meet.
"And what about Bamba, from Guam? He was quite a looker too. And smart."
"True. Whatever happened to him, anyway?"
"Wait, wait," Charli said excitedly, "What about Rocky, with the deep dimples and stellar biceps? He went on to become a dentist. Didn't see that one coming."
Shanice paused. There was a method to her sister's madness, she was sure of it.
"Charli, why are you bringing up people you haven't seen in fifteen years or more?"
"Because you never cared about the race of any man I ever brought home. So why...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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