=Familiar Glint=

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Warning: Gore(I think), Blood, knives, and guns. (Mafia stuff) 



"Just kill me already," The dickbag screams out, the arrogant glint that was originally in his eyes gone. All left was submission and fear. "I told you everything I know." 

My men and I let out a deep chuckle. I absently clean my fingernails with my clean knife, "Where are the girls Lorenzo?" 

"I- I don't kn-now," I give Oliver a nod, he dunks his head back into the ice bath. I watch Oliver's eyes twinkle as he watches the life fade in his eyes. 

"Don't kill him, Oliver," My friend rolls his eyes but takes Lorenzo out of the water and walking away next to me. Enrique takes out his blow torch and marks Lorenzo's leg before I told him to stop. "I don't want him to faint yet." 

"Enzo honey, can I call you that?" He groans in response, I step closer to him, playing absent-mindedly with my knife. I crouch in front of him and use my knife to make him look at me. "You are Jasper's loyal henchmen, you are the main one who goes around luring and kidnaping the girls so your boss can sell them. Now tell me, where the hell are they?" 

"I....don't....know," He mumbles, showing signs that he is about to pass out again. I smile at him, pulling him close to me, in a sort of a hug. With a few pats on his cheeks and a Judas kiss, I press my knife right about his heart, caving my own heart. A smile on my face as he screams in pain. 

He faints by the time I am done, "Take him to the hospital with the evidence, make sure he doesn't die." I command my men while cleaning my knife in the ice water. "Keep a close eye on Jasper, he will be replacing our dear Enzo soon."

"You're in a good mood today," Oliver comments while we step out of the darkroom. "What happened?"

I raise a brow, "I am kind of drunk." 

"It's more than that brother, come on spill, you have the same look that I have when I'm with Sasha," Oliver lets out an exaggerated gasp before grabbing my shoulder out of nowhere. "Did you find someone? Are you cheating on me Amour?" 

I push the dramatic giant off of me rolling my eyes, "Go take a shower, you stink." 

"Is she hotter than me? I can change, don't leave me?" The amount of times I roll my eyes when I am with this crybaby is concerning. 

"Can I at least get myself clean first?" I mutter, not having the energy to be mad at him. "The blood is getting dry."

"Says the man who loves bathing in the blood of his enemies," Oliver rolls his eyes but lets me go. "This isn't over boss." 

I wink at him before entering the room I occupy occasionally. I go straight to the bathroom, pulling the dirty, bloody, alcohol-scented clothes off of me. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I noticed the slight glint that Oliver mentioned. 

I smile fondly at that, Oliver may be wrong but he is one smart son of a bitch. As the water soothes my aching muscle, my mind goes back to the wedding. 

Her soft voice coming to memory as if she was singing me to sleep. Her beautiful lips and dark eyes, her composure, and the way her skin glowed. She is a siren and just like a greedy sailor I am hypnotized, ready to follow her into my death. 

I feel the blood rush down to me and I groan out loud. Fuck, I need to see her. Learn her name, hear her voice once again, no matter the consequences. 


"This is my first time asking you for a favor Henry, why won't you just help me." I groan, mad at myself for how pathetic I sound. 

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