=The Beast=

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"My, you are so beautiful, come on in," Clara squeals out, pulling me away from Amour and into the living room. "Look how beautiful she looks, guys."

I look down, feeling embarrassed with the sudden attention. 

Oliver walks up to me pulling me into a hug, "So glad you could make it mia,"

I awkwardly pat his back, weird out by the sudden affection but appreciate it nonetheless. I give the other men in the room a smile, the dark skin from last time winks at me. 

So he's a flirt. 

"Amour told me about the encounter yesterday are you pay," I look at Amour in confusion, while he scowls at Oliver. 

I give Oliver a questioning look, "What encounter?" 

"The one with the Dumas bitches," 

"Language Oliver,"

"Sorry Ms. Clara," He mumbles, his eyes twinkling. His childlike essence makes me chuckle. 

"I forgot about that, to be honest," I say genuinely. "Didn't think they were that important."

"Wow," Oliver says, blinking slowly before smirking. "I see why Amour is so ob-" 

His words were cut off by Amour's hand connecting to the back of his head. He shuts his mouth and smirks at him, unphased that he just got smacked in the back of the head. 

"Time to eat," Clara interrupts, and everyone goes to the dining room. 

It was a long table, I watch the men all taking their seats. Amour takes my hand and I follow him, I find it hard to hide my surprise when he doesn't sit at the head of the table. 

"No one seats there," he explains to me. "I always felt that we are all equal and if someone seats there, it meant that they are essentially above the rest."

"That's sweet," I comment, my eyes are already fixed on the delicious food set in front of us. "The food smells delicious Ms. Clara,"

"Thank you, love," She says smiling at me. "I didn't know what you were, so they're all halal and the one in the orange platters is vegan."

So considerate. 

"I'm not vegan or anything, but thank you for the consideration, it is very welcoming," I answer. 

Everyone reaches over to make their plate, it was chaotic but in a welcoming way. I watch Amour fill a plate up with different kinds of food. 

He drops the plate in front of me, making me look at him wide-eyed. 

"Eat," He says giving me a slight smirk, before making his plate. His plate has a lesser quantity of food. 

"I can't eat all of this," I whisper scowl at him, thankful that no one was paying attention to us. 

"You can just take some for you,"  He shrugs, a small taunting smile on his face. 

So This is LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin