=The Truth=

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Amour P.O.V

My heart turns at every step I take, walking out of the apartment. I didn't want to leave my trésor but I'm this close to catching this motherfucker and I won't stop until I do.

He's been trying to do a big sex trafficking ring but my boys and I have been able to stop some of his men before they start, but I know that's not enough. The amount of evidence we have sent to the police isn't helping because they're all assholes and I'm one hundred percent sure that this fucker has people on the inside.

I already got some of my men to work in the force, but it's not enough, nothing seems to be enough to catch him. Hell, just like he doesn't know how I look like, I have no idea what that fucker looks like either.

"Sorry for the late phone call bus, but Enrique has found a lead," Oliver says the moment I enter the car, handing me some files.

I ignore his words and the files, looking at him I feel my eyes sting, "I made her cry Oli,"

"Oh wow, okay, let's talk about that," He says taking away the file and looking at me. "What happened?"

"I'm never there, I don't want to keep on disappointing her, maybe I should just leave her."

"I would love to punch you right now, but I won't because you're already down," He says rolling his eyes. "Just tell her."

"No," I bite back. Fixing my posture and reached for the file, not wanting the conversation to keep going. "That's too dangerous, and you know that."

"We aren't avoiding this," He takes the file out of my hand. "You love her, it's obvious, why the fuck won't you tell her?"

"I don't want her to get hurt,"

"Bullshit, you don't want her to run away," He tells me the truth. "You're afraid she is going to look at you differently, trust me I know how it feels but you aren't some villain, just explain everything to her."

I stay quiet, not knowing what to say. Oliver hands me back the file, "You'll become the villain the moment you leave her with no true explanation."


"Are you sure these are the people Jasper has in the force?" I ask my team, looking at the name of the people. They were all people you would least suspect, and none of them have anything in common. It made no sense.

"Yes boss, Kayden has been working really hard to get inside information," Enrique speaks up.

Kayden is one of my most trusted men, his family worked with mines for generations. Despite him flirting with Evangeline, he hasn't given me any reasons to hate him.

Maybe that's Jasper's tactic, using men one will least expect.

"Boss, you need to see this." Oliver alerts calmly. His gaze is hyper-focused on the screen in front of him.

I walk over to him, on the computer screen was a file addressed to me. My full name and alias are attached.

"Everyone except Oliver, leave." All of my men leave without question.

Oliver opens the file and I feel my heart about to stop. Pictures, multiple pictures of me and Evangeline pop up. Pictures of private dates, when she took me to the orphanage, the library, her house.

"If you want to protect her, leave me alone." Oliver reads the screen. I back away from the screen, a sharp pain in my chest starts to get stronger and stronger by the second, my vision blurs and it's suddenly hard to breathe.

Olivers' words become nothing but white noise, as he guides my face towards a paper bag calming me down. I follow the breathing exercises, the message playing in my head over and over again.

So many questions are in my mind, and I don't have an answer to any of them.

How does he know who I am?

How does he know about Evangeline?

How can I keep her safe?

"Amour, what happened? You haven't had an attack like this in years," Oliver calls out, looking at me with worried eyes. "Should I call your doctor?"

I glance in the mirror noticing my current state, my dress shirt is open and soaked in sweat. Eyes coated in tears and a paper bag in my hand.

I shake my head and clear my throat, "I have to tell her Oli."

He nods and doesn't say anything, handing me a bottle of water. "I sent Sasha to go check on her, someone close to you leaked your identity, no one can be trusted."

"That's not enough," I scowl. "Dismiss everyone, then come back here so we can devise a plan."

Oliver nods, this office is the only one in the house that's guaranteed to not be wired. Before he steps out, he turns back to me with a concerned look.

"I'm fine Oliver," I reassure him.

"I know, it's just I haven't seen you in this state sinc-" he stops himself.

"Since my mother died," I finish for him, I give him a weak smile. "Everything is going to be fine Oliver, you can save the, "I told you so" for later."


Hi Loves, 

I am 100% back to updating my stories. 

Finals week was terrible, but it's finally summer babies. 

I will be done with this story by this week. Just a few chapters left. 

Updated: 08 May 2022

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