Chapter 6

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"I have to marry Harry?!" I am shocked and I stare at my dad in bewilderment.
    Harry gruffs, "I'll come back later to sort this out." I hear the turning of a doorknob.
    I pick up the black and white egg off of the mantle. "Wait Harry you forgot something-" I say turning to face him, but he is nowhere in sight. I can't believe he's gone. I can feel water welling up inside of my eyes. "This is all your fault, Dad!" I scream. I can no longer hide how angry I am, my eyes turn barn red and my teeth grow to a point.
    I hear my dad whisper something that sounds similar to "oh no, it's happening," but I am too engulfed by my rage to pay attention.
"WHERE IS HARRY?" a voice erupts from my throat that is not my own. What's going on? I'm not in control! Suddenly, I remember the fantasy I had earlier of Harry kissing me. My body feels faint and my knees start to give out once more. My barn red eyes return to normal and I can feel the shrinking of teeth under my tongue. As the world fades to black, I am able to make out what I can only assume to be the voice of my gentle father.
"It is up to Harry now," his husky tone echos like butter in my mind before I finally drift off into a deep, silent slumber.

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