Chapter I

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It was August 23, 1926, the parties were magnificent and grand. Flappers became quite popular and dancing became more common. The rich and famous were usually only invited to these elegant parties, but Y/N wasn't rich or famous. She and her best friend, Elizabeth were struggling actresses in Los Angeles. There was a party tonight, a grand opening of a spectacular new hotel. The only reason they were invited was because they were flappers and they were also working on a picture with a very famous actor: Rudolph Valentino. He was very well known and insanely handsome.

Y/N met Elizabeth outside of the establishment and she greeted her by embracing her excitedly. She hadn't seen her in a while and she had missed her so. It was odd and very sudden when Elizabeth disappeared for a while. Y/N suspected she was seeing someone but Elizabeth would surely tell her if she were! They were best friends after all.

They followed a group of other guests into the lobby and their mouths fell open as they glanced around the interior. The hotel had humungous, shiny chandeliers and intricate, gold detailing. It was the epitome of luxury.

The two exchanged a shocked look and then proceeded towards the elevator. A few others chattered away in the box as they ascended. The doors opened and they flooded out. Y/N and Elizabeth locked arms and strutted down the hallway.

"Where have you been? I've missed you so much!" Y/N asked.

"I've been... around." She hesitated.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and they entered a room with music playing and waiters gliding across the room with trays of champagne.

They both looked around impressed and began dancing much like the other attendees.

"Okay, I can not keep this from you any longer, Y/N." Elizabeth turned to her with a weary demeanor.

"What? What is it?" Y/N asked out of concern.

"I've been seeing someone. I'm sorry I haven't told you, I didn't think it would get this serious." She smiled widely as she explained.

"That's fine, but I still wish you had told me. You glow when you speak of this, who is it?"

All of the sudden, the sound of a fork meeting a glass, clinking rang throughout the room. Everyone's heads turned toward the man in the front of the room. He had a pencil mustache, a white bow tie, and black, gelled hair. He looked so glamorous and fancy.

"I'd like to welcome you all to the opening week of the Hotel Cortez!" He chimed.

He then removed the wrapper and cork from a champagne bottle and he caught the stream from the explosion in his mouth. He chuckled and looked back out into the room and his gaze met Y/N's.

She locked eyes with the owner and immediately felt trapped in his stare. On the outside, he looked sophisticated and proper, but his eyes didn't match that description. His eyes were dark and she could almost see the secrets trying to escape his orbs. Trying to claw through to the other side to reveal the facade. She finally looked away and cleared her throat.

Everyone else returned to the festivities and the man walked away to chat with a group of men.

Y/N turned her attention back to her friend, shaking off the strange feeling of the owner.

"So, are you going to tell me or what?" She playfully hit Elizabeth.

She took a deep breath, "it's... Rudolph Valentino." She awaited Y/N's reaction.

Y/N's mouth fell open, "Valentino?" She said in shock.

"Shhh. I'm not telling anyone! You can't speak of this to another soul, alright?" She seemed serious.

Y/N intertwined her pinky finger with Elizabeth's to signal she wasn't lying, it was something they had always done. "I won't tell a soul."

Elizabeth smiled with relief and appreciation.

It was getting late and most of the guests had left. A few others filed out and it was only Elizabeth, Y/N, a few others, and the owner of course.

"I'm so very tired, we should get a car and head home." Elizabeth suggested.

"You're right." Y/N agreed and they held hands as they walked towards the exit.

Someone's hand found Y/N's shoulder causing her to turn around startled.

"I didn't mean to frighten you, dear. Please forgive me. James March." It was the owner of the hotel.

"It's quite alright. I'm Y/N  L/N." She laughed off.

"I just wanted to inform you of how divine you look tonight." He smiled genuinely.

"Oh, well thank you." She said nervously.

"I'm going to return home, Y/N. I'll talk to you again soon." Elizabeth squeezed her hand before leaving the room.

"Goodbye Elizabeth." Y/N replied.

The last few guests followed, leaving the two in the empty room together.

"Would you like to join me for a drink?" James waltzed over to a small table.

"I've had a little too many already, I'm fine." She looked around awkwardly.

"Have you ever tried absinthe?" He looked back over to the nervous girl, pouring some.

"The color has always been unsettling to me, it's very off putting, I haven't." She answered.

He chuckled at her innocent answer and walked back over to her.

"Your hotel is very beautiful, Sir." She tried to spark a conversation.

"You're very beautiful, darling." He said almost instantly.

Her cheeks became hot and she looked down to hide the rosiness.

James's index finger came under her chin to tilt her head back up. "I mean it. You are absolutely stunning." His eyes burnt into her's.

"Th-thank you." Is all she could chirp out being strongly intimidated by the man.

He removed his finger and blew air out of his nose as a subtle laugh at her shyness.

"It's obscenely late, I should be getting home. Thank you so much for the spectacular party and company. This has been quite the evening." She flashed a warm, grateful smile and spun around to exit.

James's mind was frantically trying to decide what to do. He abruptly grasped her wrist, pulling her to his body, crashing his lips into her perfectly pink ones.

Her eyes widened, but she eased into the intimacy and returned the action.

The kiss was perfect and it felt like pure bliss.

Y/N melted into his touch and felt suddenly comfortable with him.

They pulled away slowly, holding eye contact in a state of pleasant shock.

James was in shock of his quick decision and Y/N was in shock of her decision to go along with it.

"Darling, you are a revelation."

Killer LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora