Chapter IV

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It had been 2 days since Y/N met with Valentino and Y/N came back that day and told James she would marry him. He wasn't as excited as she thought he would be but they celebrated anyway.

"Just up this way a bit." Y/N guided Elizabeth blindly to the parrot lounge of the Hotel Cortez.

"Where are you taking me Y/N?" She giggled.

"You'll see. Here, sit here." Y/N lowered her into a chair.

James entered the lobby and heard laughter above him. He glanced up and spotted his fiance covering her best friend's eyes. He was curious as to what they were doing so he climbed the gold staircase and joined them. "What are you two up to, dear?" He asked.

Y/N put her finger over her lips and told Elizabeth to keep her eyes closed. She grabbed her lover's arm and pulled him aside to explain. "Rudolph is proposing to her today! It is a surprise, I told him he could do it here, I hope that is alright, love." She smiled widely.

James furrowed his eyebrows but nodded.

Y/N turned around to return to Elizabeth, but he placed a firm hand on her lower back.

"Dearest... Mr. Valentino told me he would not be able to come to the Cortez today." He gave a false pity look.

"He told you? Why wouldn't he tell me?" She was confused and concerned.

"He told me to relay the message, darling. Don't kill the messenger. I must meet with the wedding planners now. I am terribly sorry my love." James kissed her temple before exiting the bar area.

Y/N stood frozen. What was she going to do?

"May I open my eyes now?" Elizabeth broke the silence.

"Um-uh, yeah." Y/N was panicking.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and her eyebrows pressed together as she looked around the room. "What is it?"

"The plan actually fell through. I'm so sorry, I did not mean to waste your day. I have no clue what could've happened." Y/N was filled with dread.

"It's alright. I actually have something to show you." Elizabeth said excitedly.

"What?" Y/N inquired.

"Come." Elizabeth intertwined her hand with Y/N's.

She led them to Y/N's room and locked the door behind them. She sat Y/N on her couch, holding both of her hands. "Valentino has done something amazing. Something I still have not wrapped my head around yet. You may not believe me at first but you have to trust me." She spoke very seriously.

"You're scaring me, Elizabeth." Is all she replied with.

"Do you want to live forever?" She said plainly.

"Um, yeah, that would be super cool, but what are you talking about?" She laughed nervously.

"There's an ancient blood virus that has a side effect of immortality. Rudolph met a man who spread it to him and he has given it to me. Y/N, we can live forever." Elizabeth had hope written all over her.

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