Chapter IX

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"You look ravishing my dear." James pulled out the chair on the opposite end of the table for Y/N to sit.

"Thank you, you look quite handsome, per usual." She smiled and lowered herself into the seat.

James placed a delicate kiss to the back of her hand and headed back to his seat.

"I think it's funny you still have your accent, after being about in the world, you change as time goes on and my accent faded. But, I guess the outside world never got to you." She commented.

He nodded, "yes... well, I've always enjoyed having my own Brahman diction. The modern world is an awful place in my taste, I appreciate my time capsule here. Now, let's make a toast, shall we?" He raised his glass.

Y/N mimicked his gesture.

"To being reunited with each other, may our love continue to thrive and grow throughout eternity. And to have you across from me again, I'm glad you've found your way back to your home." He smiled and took a sip from his glass.

Y/N returned the smile and sipped hers.

James began to cut into his chicken but noticed Y/N was looking down at her lap strangely. "Is something bothering you, love?" He asked worried.

She snapped out of her state and shot her head up, "no." She answered, voice higher than normal.

James raised an eyebrow, displaying he did not believe her.

She looked back down and began to poke around at her food, trying to ignore James's threatening gaze.

"Dearest..." He pushed on.

She set her silverware on the sides of her plate and looked back up at him. "I just regret so much. Being with you again just... reminded me of everything I fucked up-

"Language." James interrupted.

She sighed. "I should've never left. If only I'd stay a little longer and-

"Think of all your accomplishments, if you stayed here, you would've never done the things you did. You're here now and that is all that matters. Your meal will be cold, please eat." He insisted.

"I guess..." She turned her attention back to her plate.

An hour had passed and the two caught up, ate, and drank like old times.

"No, no you were the one who kissed me!" Y/N laughed.

"Alright, I guess it was, but you were going to leave and we never would've seen each other again." James pointed at her.

"If you liked me that much, wouldn't you have tried to find me?" She asked.

"Perhaps." He replied.

They both laughed and Y/N knocked a fork onto the floor.

"Oops." She giggled.

"Alright, dear. Lets hit the hay, come." He walked over and helped her out of the chair.

"I'm okay." She slurred.

"Come on." He urged.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to bed.

She sat down on the edge and smiled up at James.

"Why are you looking at me with that peculiar face?" He laughed off.

She began undoing his tie.

"Dear?" He tried to get her attention.

"Come here James." She whined.

"No, darling. You are very intoxicated, go to bed, you need to rest." He removed her hands and pulled the covers back.

"But you're so good at it." She continued pleading.

James briefly laughed, "well, maybe another opportunity will arise, for now, get some shut eye."

She crawled under the blankets and James covered her up. She lied her head on the pillow and shut her eyes. James leaned down to kiss her forehead and peered down at her lovingly.

"Sleep well my beautiful Y/N, I love you." He admired her and then turned off the lamp on the night stand.

James went down to the parrot lounge and chatted with Liz and Sally.

"So, your old girl is back? She finally get bored of fucking men that breathe?" Sally snapped.

James's fist came down on the counter, "Shut your goddamn mouth!"

"It's not fair! She can see you whenever she'd like! Some of us only get one night out of the whole year!" Her never-ending stream of tears picked up.

"John tried to get to the hotel and you know that." James reminded her.

"It's your fault you prick. You brought him here and got him involved with all that bullshit." Sally argued.

"He was out getting blood for his little infected wife and son, that was not my doing." James clarified.

"And now you have your own 'infected' wife to take care of, don't you? She's one of them, right?" She came back.

"You wouldn't want your little friend to pay you a visit tonight now would you dear Sally?" He threatened.

"He's actually busy right now, a little birdie told him of a sweet little girl staying at the Cortez." She gave an amused look to him.

A scream could be heard from a few floors up.

James looked up towards the noise and then back to Sally. He made himself appear in his suite.

Standing over Y/N was Sally's addiction demon, its drill swirling and long, dead fingernails wiggling.

"Stop this at once! I am your commander! Get out!" James yelled furiously.

Just like that he disappeared.

James ran over to Y/N and caressed the sides of her head, his eyes bore into hers, filled with fear.

She breathed heavily and cried loudly.

"It's alright, it's alright, my love." He breathed quickly as well and sat next to her on their bed.

She buried her head into his chest and continued crying.

He held her head and let the adrenaline leave his system.

She sniffed and lifted her head up, "w-what was that?" She finally was able to somewhat speak.

"Nothing you need to worry about, dear."He tried to calm her.

"You said you were its commander, James what was that thing?" She had little patience.

He wiped her tears and gave her a sincere look, "go back to sleep, I do not wish to burden you with that knowledge." He pulled the blankets back up and motioned for her to lay back down.

She obliged and nuzzled into her pillow, "will you at least come to bed, I'd feel safer." She gave him a pleading look.

"Of course." He gave a weak smile and removed his shoes, suit jacket, and suspenders.

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