Chapter VI

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Later that day, Y/N was discharged from the hospital and she caught a cab back to the Cortez. Upon stopping, she handed the driver some change before quickly exiting the vehicle and storming inside the building, tears blurring her vision greatly.

Y/N entered her and James's room and began throwing all of her belongings in a suitcase as fast as she could. She sobbed and grabbed anything she could fit in the small luggage case. When she reached for her favorite book on the dresser, she stopped abruptly when she spotted a framed photo of her and James from their wedding. She covered her mouth to mute her audible cry and picked up the picture. She admired his beautifully sculpted face and then put the photo into her bag. She slammed the top down and zipped it a little more than halfway shut. Y/N wiped her tears with the back of her hand and picked up her overstuffed bag. She left the room, not bothering to lock it behind her.

She reached the lobby, speed-walking to the door.

Right before she stepped through the threshold, James noticed her presence. He jogged toward her to stop her from leaving and show her he was still here.

She walked through the main doors and continued down the sidewalk, looking for a taxi.

James called out to her and right when he thought he exited the hotel, he appeared in the parrot lounge. He looked around frantically and frowned in frustration. He walked down the stairs and back toward the doors. He went to step through them again, but ended up back at the bar.

"It seems as we cannot leave, sir." A dainty voice rang out from beside him.

James spun around to see Miss Evers sitting on a bar stool. "What is the meaning of this?" Anger resulted from his confusion.

"It appears we have died and cannot leave your hotel, sir." She answered.

"We're not alive? That was not a dream?" Hopelessness spread across his face.

"Not a dream." She shook her head at the cold truth.

"How will I get to Y/N? I need to tell her I am here." A worried tone took over.

"I believe that is impossible, Mr. March. We're stuck, for how long? I'm not sure."

"What will we do until then?" James raised his hand to the side of his head and started pacing.

"I'll continue to serve you, and well you, you may do whatever you'd like." She suggested.

"I feel... oddly empty, numb." He stated.

"I do as well. But at least we have each other." Miss Evers added.

He looked over at the woman, wishing she were Y/N, but he soon nodded his head, accepting her statement.

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