Chapter XII

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"What's going to happen now?" Y/N asked as she sat on her and James's shared bed.

"It will be the same it has always been dear." James walked over to her and held one of her hands in his.

"I wanna strangle that bitch. I wish she was alive just so I could kill her." Y/N fumed.

"I'll handle Miss Evers, I want you feeling back to yourself as quickly as possible." He responded.

"How am I gonna feed if I can't leave the hotel, no offense but I don't think there are enough living guests to feed on." She asked.

"What I've gained from the Countess is you will have no need for blood anymore." James replied.

"Oh." She looked toward the floor.

James knelt down in front of her and set his other hand over their combined ones. "Miss Evers will pay for what she's done. I promise."James gave a pitiful look and cupped her delicate face. "I promise."

Y/N nodded.

"We can be together forever now love. I do not need to worry about you dying outside of the Cortez or leaving. Just you and I, for eternity. Like we were meant to be, right from the start." James looked deeply into her watery eyes.

She smiled and sniffled a bit, "we do have a pretty great love story don't we?" She laughed briefly. "Someone should write a book about us." ;)

James laughed for a moment as well before removing his blue ascot from his neck. He tucked it neatly around Y/N's neck, covering her gash.

She looked down at his now-visible wound, touched by his selflessness. He never wanted anyone to see his cut, too ashamed of taking the coward's way out.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too James, you and I, for eternity."


The End

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