Announcement of the Mid-Terms!

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A/N: I am using pieces of my other book for the this and the next chapter. It makes my life easier so please be understandable. I also like reusing stuff when I feel like the situation and the scenario would fit.

We were still all in the assembly hall looking at Nezu as he was the only one that was awake from all the teachers there. Every class member was standing in the group of their class. Everyone besides me since I was standing close to Hawks. I am a special case what should I say? There is no excuse for that!

Nezu: Now to the important announcement. There will be a mid-term exam that each course will have specifically designed for them. Hero course your mid-term exam will be conducted by Eraserhead. Gen-Ed you guys will be tested by Snipe and lasty Support Course. You will be tested by Cementoss and Thirteen. Now onto the details, shall we?

The moment he said that the whole room stopped chatting and listened to every word he said as if it was something their life depended on it which wasn't farfetched at all.

Nezu: Hero course. You will have a couple of exercise that will determine your will as a hero and your future. If Eraserhead deems you as unworthy of being here you will be expelled.

Why does this not surprise me at all?!

I was already thinking on how no one was expelled until now.

We were after all Aizawa's class....

The teacher is known to expel his class very fast.

He has the highest expelling rate out of every teacher in the country. He even expelled his complete class last year after all...

This test is no joke at all

Nezu: Gen Ed, your knowledge as well as your physical abilities will be tested. The one that ranks the highest might even be taken into Class 1B.

Once that was announce they all started cheering. I could see that they were all fired up too.

Nezu: Now to you Support Course. You will be tasked to build a gadget for the teacher that is assigned to your test. Creativity as well as functionality will be the key.

After he announced that he threw a glitter bomb down and made a huge glitter cloud evolve us all before he just vanished.

Little did we knew what Mid-Terms were expecting from us.

Time skip brought to you by Nezu preparing his class to be the best class out of both first-year hero courses with an evil smirk on his face.

The past week was hell. I thought that Nezu would never put us through something like that but he did. Hawks trained us nonstop each day for a physical exam portion while Nezu began drilling us in some important facts about heroes.

It was a cruel combination and exhausted week to say the least but here we were.

It was time for the mid-term test. This test will show us who wanted to be a hero because they want to help the society or if they are only after the money and the fame.

This was no game, to be a hero was in general no game. Heroes risk their life on a daily basis and as such, the live of the others lay before them.

Aizawa: Where are the others?

Me: Still changing into their gym outfit.

Aizawa: This takes them way too long.

Me: Couldn't agree more.

For the moment, it was only us two outside.

Me: So, this is the moment of your famous quirk assessment test where you expel the most of your students right?

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