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Okay guys, right about now the plot is going to come into effect. Pay attention to the names the main character goes through and if you don't know the meaning behind one of the names (most come from the bible) then mention that you're confused in your review and I'll post a name glossary. The angel visits, like the one in this chapter, are suppose to be vague and confusing at first so hopefully I won't lose you guys with this. I'm so sorry it took me a MONTH to finish this! It was like pulling teeth! I was so nervous to take this turn, my stress level has gone through the roof. lol. I have recently entered this in the Watty Awards so PLEASE VOTE on EVERY chapter that you think deserves it and PLEASE advertise and show your support. I REALLY appreciate it! And thank you to all my new fans (and old ones)! Your opinions mean so much to me so please don't be afraid to be harsh in your review. I can take it. lol. A few of you guys said you'd like a snippet of my action scene so that will be at the end of the chapter. It may be short-I'm not trying to give too much away-but once I figure out which chapter I want it to go in and get it fully written, it'll be amazing! lol. Thanks for putting up with me being MIA on this for a while. I hope this meets your standards and ties you over until Chapter Five. I've started it but only by a paragraph. Haha. You guys are awesome! Next time I leave you hanging, I'll make it up to you with an outtake chapter or something.

Without further ado, Chapter four! VOTE AND REVIEW PLEASE!!!!


Liliana's arms were there to break my fall. Having lost all strength to remain standing, let alone lift my foot once I approached the door, I tripped through the doorway. By the time Liliana had caught me, dropping to her knees from my weight and sudden surprise, I had lost consciousness.

 I squeezed my eyes shut in the bright light spilling over me. It didn't burn like the light of sun but was just as bright and blinding. I felt it spill over the limbs of my body, completely covering me like a blanket I'd seen most humans cuddle up with during winter and the spare brisk nights of summer. I felt so warm, so comforted that my muscles completely relaxed. I just laid there, soaking up the light through my skin, desperately praying it would never go away.

 Then I realized where the light was coming from and my eyes shot open.


 I could only make out his shadowed outline while still squinting my eyes but he was there. I knew I was staring right into his eyes, though if any human had laid eyes upon his real form basked in glory, their eyeballs would've been set ablaze and burned out of their sockets. No human can handle the gaze of an angel . . . but I wasn't human just yet.

He smirked with genuine amusement.

Of all the places to put you, He sticks you with me. His lips don't move as I knew they wouldn't. It was odd having someone's voice in my head once again.

 "As an act of mercy," I whispered. "Maybe He understood."

 He placed you here for me to keep you in line. You are very valuable to Him; we can't afford to lose you to the demons of this world. That is why your transformation will never be fully complete, He's afraid you won't be able to handle humanity. We all are.

 "I assumed I was out of his favor," I murmured.

 You are an angel of the Lord. You will be out of his favor. There was an absence in his words, a pause of silence.

 "Why is it, you will not say my name?"

 It has not been decided what your name shall be. You are neither fallen nor angel, nor are you human. There is no name for what you are.

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