Something Weird

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Something Weird


My head was still whirling. I grasped Joshua's arm as he helped me down one of the halls. He was forced to support the majority of my weight; my legs had given out.

"Sshhh." He brought me into one of the spare rooms and closed the door behind us.

"Gabriel, Liliana can sense your panic, do you understand? You have to calm down or she will be here in seconds."

I nodded slowly and lowered myself onto the cleanest of the three beds.

"How...How.." I swallowed and regained my voice. "How did she know?"

"She didn't. A demon possessed her." A demon?


Joshua smirked.

"I heard you two had a little chat."

"He prophesied I would be one of them."

"That's just wistful thinking."

Was it? Everyone was confident about my future status except me.

"If you were about to turn, they wouldn't have to try so hard," he continued with a far off gaze as if his mind was somewhere else. He was listening to the whispers.

A knock on the door stopped us both. I tensed, not really knowing what to expect now.

"Who is it?" Joshua called.

"It's me. Is Gabriel in there?" Zoe!

Joshua looked at me and I begged him with my eyes. With a heavy sigh he twisted the doorknob and pulled it open. Zoe appeared and slid inside. She rested her hand on my knee as she sat beside me.

"Are you okay?"

I swallowed and forced myself to nod.

"What happened?"

I say nothing and look up at Joshua. Before Zoe can follow my gaze he shakes his head at me.

"Josh? I've never seen Sarah act like that."

"She could just be having an off day, Zoe."

I could see she didn't believe him. But I couldn't think up a more convincing argument.

Screams cut us all off and I was on my feet, ignoring the ache as I ran back into the main room.

Smack in the middle of the room was Sarah hunched over with Father Steven towering over her. To say she was hysterical was an understatement. Her head twisted and turned this way and that in a supernatural manner. She was the one screaming the loudest. But she was incoherent, screeching a string of words without taking a breath. All I could make out was 'Dameon." Demon.

Those around her moaned loudly from their positions on the floor. Some crab walked across the room with their head between their knees, literally; some moaned as they banged their bloody heads against the tile floors, leaving pools of blood for the others to wash their hands in and paint on the walls while two or three just rolled around in it like a pig playing in the mud.

I looked back at Joshua in sheer horror. Zoe was right beside him.

Dear God.

"Zoe, get back-!"

Another scream. My eyes darted to Sarah and I could see what Father Steven was holding. A cross. His lips moved in a language all too familiar to me. I panicked and ran towards them.

"Father, no!" In order to exercise a damn from a vacant body, human sacrifice must be made. He would die.

"Drop the cross!" I screamed, running to snatch it from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2011 ⏰

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