Thirty Minutes

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As promised, here's Chapter Five! Honestly, I'm not totally confident about this chapter so PLEASE REVIEW and tell me what you think. Criticism would be much appreciated; what do you think I need to work on? This is my first demon scene but trust me, they'll get better as we go on. I hope this meets your standards and ties you over til my next update.

Washington D.C. was SO MUCH fun btw! I would've loved to stay longer but you gotta come home eventually (:

Now...without further ado...Chapter Five!


Thirty Minutes 

I waited for another Sunday and prayed for night. The sidewalks were silent, deserted. Only the dim glow of the spare streetlights illuminated the sidewalks enough to see two feet in front of me. I imagined the same humans who had passed me a few times during the day are now in their cars, afraid of the dark. There were shadows everywhere to keep me company. Whispers fluttered in my ears, voices carried in the slight wind; I paid no attention to them. Only one thing was on my mind, my only purpose for enduring the ache of my footsteps on the cemented ground: the girl. I needed to see her again and desperately hoped she will be at the cathedral. I . . . I couldn't explain why I was risking everything for a total stranger. I couldn't even begin to comprehend my draw to a mortal girl. But with every physical contact, she took my anguish away . . . she was my temporary freedom from my sentence; and freedom is the deadliest drug. 

It dawned on me, the possibility of seeing her since the last time I laid eyes on her, her hair glowing in the sunlight.  

 Would she still be there? What would be her reason for staying out this late? What would be my reason for going to the cathedral?  

Surely, I couldn't say I was there to pray. She would expect me to come inside and kneel in front of the alter and confess my sins. The only sin I should confess, was the only sin I wasn't willing to apologize for. There was blood on my hands but I had no choice. She was my first priority. Her protection and safety was my duty. I hadn't . . . I hadn't seen anyone else there . . . I hadn't anticipated the attack. I didn't even think to call for help.  

I stopped walking and just stood there. The guilt had become too much and I almost couldn't push it away. It had already poisoned my thoughts. An agonizing scream was climbing up my throat but I swallowed it back. Drawing attention to myself was the last thing I should do. 

 A hand grasped my arm and I bit down on my tongue. 

 "Are you alright?" she asked. 

 I forced my head to nod to Liliana and pulled my arm from her. 

 "Distance," I whispered.  

 That had been our deal. She would accompany me to a grocery store a block away from the cathedral but keep her distance. No touching - five feet apart at all times. I wanted to protect her as well as myself. If I collapsed she would never let me out of the house again.  

 I just had to see her one more time.  

Liliana nodded and took several steps back. I avoided looking at her and pushed back my guilt along with my shame and hopelessness. I couldn't force myself to think about the girl this time. I just kept walking.  

The pain was more focused, intense on my feet. I felt as if I was walking on the coals of hell barefoot.  

Almost there.  

A sign in the parking lot reading 'Kroger' burned through the darkness. We walked silently along the sidewalk until we were beside the brick building. 

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