In The Dark

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Here's chapter six after much prodding and nail-biting! I'm aiming for longer chapters so sorry if not much happens in this, I'm trying to set up the stage. Lol. I have Chapter Seven written and Chapters Eight and Nine in the  works. So excited for what happens next! (: Unfortunately, I will have to turn in my laptop for a new battery soon. It was suppose to be today but I have to many school assignments so that's unlikely. Hopefully sometime this week. I really wanna know what you think about this chapter guys. Reviews are CRUCIAL now! Tell me what you thought of the chapter, what you think I should change to make it better. Criticism is much appreciated and please be harsh! This is entered into the Watty Awards 2011 and I'm REALLY gonna need your help so please VOTE if you like it and please vote or read any chapter you haven't already. I really appreciate the support and the new fans (: Thanks so much!

And please check out greendayfan4Gway's story "Story of Your Life"! I love it and you will too, guaranteed ;)

I hope this meets your standards (:

And without further ado...

In the Dark 

"So what should I call you?"  

The sudden question brought me down from cloud nine. I knew I was in pain but I couldn't feel it. Even now, I was still floating from the high of Zoe's smile.  


Saying that name brought back my visit from Joshua. I may not be Gabriel for long . . . What did that mean? I still had over a year left of my sentence; a year I planned to fill with days of Zoe.  

 "Why Gabriel?" 

I noted her change in tone and thought of Nathaniel. He prophesized I would be one of them after he heard my adopted name. 'How appropriate' were his exact words . . . What did it mean?  

 "I don't know," I answered honestly.  

 Why had I chosen that name?  

 My good mood began to fade. Reality ruined my buzz. I was sick of living in confusion. 


 To humans, it was around four o'clock in the afternoon on June third. To me, it was the second day I've gone without seeing Zoe. And with each passing moment I yearned for her more and more. But it had become impossible to escape Liliana after she learned of Nathaniel's appearance. I knew she was scared. 

 Liliana stood in the kitchen, behind the stove with a pot of her own concoction in front of her. A mouthwatering aroma filled the air, awakening the hunger of those who had long forgotten their human appetite.  

 It had been five months since my descent to Earth on January third. Five short months seemed like an eternity. But Joshua was right. My skin was abnormally tinted; my eyes still matched my midnight black hair; I still had a slight glow that separated me from the humans. There was no transformation. There had never been any intention to make me mortal at all.  

I waited for her eyes to meet mine before continuing. "Why won't you tell me what's going on up there?"  

Her eyes betrayed her before she could look away.  

"What did Nathaniel say to you?" There was a slight panic in her voice but there was something else . . . something I had lost acquaintance with. The fluorescent lights illuminated the golden tattoo on her cheek.  

"What are you hiding from me?" 

"Gabriel, there are some things you aren't allowed to know."  

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