Chapter 4- Am I really getting married?

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"Your marriage" Mrs. Kim blurted out and our eyes were widened at a state were it would pop out any time

"OUR WHAT!?" Both me and Mr. Kim yelled

"Yes, you both are getting married. Your brothers are married, and you are older enough to get married. Your are 25 and Secretary Y/n is 23" Mrs. Kim replied

"But-" Before Mr. Kim could complete what he was going to say I dragged him out

"I'll want to talk to him in private if you allow?" I asked as they nodded

Dragging him out of the living room, I brought Mr. Kim in my room. Shutting the door close, I glared at him which made him flinch a bit

"Mr. Kim, this definitely not what we planned!" I whispered yelled

"I know... I know... What can we do now!?" He spoke ruffling his hairs

"It's kind of your fault! Who asked you to give that long love speech!" I blamed him

"Hey! Who asked you to say different months! It was my brain because of which we didn't get caught!" He blamed me 

"Who asked you to do this act!" I almost yelled

"Who asked you to agree to this huh!" He yelled back after which there was silence between us

"Secretary Y/n... let's get married" He blurted out

"What are you crazy!? Did you hit your head somewhere!?" I yelled

"So what else idea do you have huh? Go tell them it was all an act and watch them loosing trust in us!" He replied and he had a point but that doesn't mean I'll marry him!

"But... I always wanted to marry someone I love" I replied softly

"Even I wanted that... but... there's nothing we can do" He mumbled which I could hear

We were trapped. It's either we'll be selfish and tell them the truth and watch them loose faith and trust in us or be selfless and just for the sake of their happiness get married to someone we barely know or don't even love. 

"Mr. Kim... let's get married. And if things doesn't work out... we'll divorce each other" I spoke as he continued starring at my face before giving a slight nod. Opening the door, we walked out and joined the other in the living room

"We are... ready to get married" I said as Mrs. Kim started clapping and I could see happiness in the eyes of Dad and Jimin. Only if they knew there isn't any love between us

[Time skip: Next morning; Office]

I haven't interacted with Mr. Kim ever since yesterday nor did he bother to ask. Currently, I was in my desk outside Mr. Kim's cabin, typing a mail to Mr. James from Paris about the launch of the new perfume when a knock on my desk made me look up as my eyes met the same brown eyes

"Mr. Kim?" I said immediately standing up and bowing 

"My mom asked me to bring you home after office. So be ready" He spoke before walking away. He really doesn't care about anyone's feeling does he?

[Time skip: After working hours]

He kept driving towards his house, while I looked outside. None of us bothered to have a conversation or didn't even try to talk. Did I make the correct decision of marrying him? Am I going to regret it later? Will we really divorce in the end? Will I never find someone who will love me with all his heart? Millions of questions in my mind but not an answer to a single of them

Reaching his house, we got off the car and walked inside still not talking to each other. Of course, why would we. None of us expected it to turn out like this. This is not less than any arranged marriage shit. Entering his house, we saw Mr. & Mrs. Kim with some.... wedding clothes? 

"Oh, you guys are here. Now I want you to choose your wedding dresses and try them on" Mrs. Kim suggested

"What's the hurry?" Taehyung asked

"What do you mean? You are getting married this week!" Mr. Kim exclaimed with joy

"Why so early?" I managed to speak

"We don't want to keep you love birds waiting" Mrs. Kim replied with happiness. Only if they knew the real reason

"Taehyung you go with your dad and Y/n you come with me. I'll help you try on dresses. Then we'll have a pre-wedding photoshoot, after all, the son of Kim corporations is getting married!" Mrs. Kim said as Mr. Kim nodded and we could see their happiness

After trying more than 20 dresses, I managed to choose a simple yet beautiful one with laces and beautiful stones. Entering the living room, it was now a photoshoot area. I saw Mr. Kim standing far away with his dad and all the eyes were fixed on me the moment I entered with Mrs. Kim

"Y/n, you look gorgeous! Let's complete this photoshoot hmm? Taehyung, come here and help her" Mrs. Kim asked as Mr. Kim helped me walk up to the photoshoot area

I stood next to Mr. Kim, both of us maintaining distance between us but the photographer didn't seem satisfied with it

"Ma'am and Sir, I would want you guys to be a little close" The photographer insisted as he moved just a centimeter closer to each other as the photographer sighed

"Sir, why don't you wrap your arm around Ma'am's waist pulling her a bit closer?" The photographer suggested and I could feel the awkwardness between us. Mr. Kim tried to play it cool but he was hesitating. After a moment of silence, his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him as my heart beat fastened 

"That's what I was talking about! Now smile!" The photographer announced and went back to clicking while I gave a forced smile and so did he

After a few more photos we were finally done. Mr. Kim helped me carry the dress before I went inside the changing room to get changed. Taking a look at myself in the mirror, wearing a wedding dress and getting married this week. I can't be selfish regarding someone's happiness but...

Am I really getting married to my cold boss?

My secret office romance [Kim Taehyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now