Chapter 8- Felt something

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"Can-n I sleep with you-u?" I asked trying not to make eye contact as he choked on his food

"What?" He asked while coughing

"Don't take me in the wrong sense. I'm just afraid to sleep alone" I lied only to be greeted by his silence or maybe he was still processing the situation

"It's okay, I can sleep on the couch if-" I spoke breaking the silence

"No, it's okay. You can sleep... next to me" He said clearing his throat as I just nodded. I've never been this awkward with anyone. I hurried to the bathroom to freshen up. After a refreshing shower, I came out only to find him already sound asleep while hugging a pillow. My heart softened at this sight. No one would believe that he is that same cold as ice CEO

Shifting the covers, I made myself comfortable next to him. This was the first time, I slept with someone next to me apart from mine and Jimin's sleepovers. His back faced me so I turned around too incase if he feels uncomfortable

[Time skip: Midnight]

Twisting and turning, I felt something unusual. I felt a weight on my stomach. My eyes fluttered open and I saw the most unexpected thing. Mr. Kim was hugging me from behind and snuggling his head in the crook of my neck that I could feel his breathe against my neck sending shivers down my spine

"Mr. Kim?" I asked as he hummed in response still asleep

"Can you move a little-e?" I asked expecting him to move instead he came more closer making me gulp. What did I expect him to do? Listen to me? That is not possible at least not in this birth

Taking a deep breathe, I tried my best to fall asleep but how can one? When a man taller is hugging you. Counting sheep, I finally drifted into dreamland

[Time skip: Next morning]

My eyes fluttered open as the rays of sun hit my face. Looking around, I found Mr. Kim sound asleep. Checking his forehead, he still had fever. Reaching to my phone on the nightstand, I gave a call in the office informing about his health and also for taking a leave. For the first time, I took a leave in 2 years and Mr. Kim.... maybe first time in his life

I decided to freshen up a bit. Walking inside the shower, I took a relaxing shower. Steeping out of the shower, I found Mr. Kim awake with his eyes half open

"Mr. Kim, how are you feeling?" I asked touching his forehead

"Weak" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear

"I already informed in the office saying that we would won't go today" I said expecting him to argue but instead he just nodded. It was quiet unusual of his behavior 

"I'll ask the maids to take leave incase they get sick" I said

"Okay, but who will cook and all? Cause, I don't know how to cook and stuffs" He spoke

"I can at least make something for us to eat" I said as he nodded before entering the bathroom while I went in the kitchen to inform the maids. Checking the shelves, I found some vegetables, meat and eggs. 

"How about some salad with some toast and a fried egg?" I talked to myself and decided to make breakfast. While Mr. Kim was freshening up, I continued making breakfast. 

Serving the breakfast on the table, I saw Mr. Kim coming downstairs after taking a shower. He wore a black t-shirt and black sweatpants, his hairs were still wet which made him look... ahem... kind of... hot.... Wait, stop simping over him! It's not illegal anyways, he's my husband after all right? So, I can simp over my husband? But I don't love him nor does he?

I was lost in my thoughts, when his voice brought me back to reality

"Did you make all this?" He asked looking at all the dishes on the table

"Huh? Yes, I made these... all of these actually"

"And you say you can't cook?" He asked taking a bite

"This is something which everyone can make" I replied

"It's tastes really good!" He complemented listening to which, my eyes would've popped out any second. HE COMPLEMENTED ME FOR THE FIRST TIME!?!?!? I mentally screamed my lungs out but tried to play it cool 

"Let's have breakfast then"

[Time skip: After breakfast]

"Y/n!" I heard Mr. Kim yell from the living room

"Yes?" I yelled back from kitchen. I've been washing dishes from past hour! How many dishes do they have!? I'm done now!

"Can you come here?" He yelled as I sighed. I almost threw the dishes in frustration but stopped when I regained my senses. Removing the gloves, I climbed the stairs to his room. Knocking on the door, I entered once he hummed in response

"Mr. Kim, you called me?" I asked

"Yes, two things. Firstly, stop calling me Mr. Kim. We are not in the office" He said

"I've been calling you this for 2 years... it has kind of become an habit" I replied

"Understandable. Secondly, can you get those papers on the table and help me with something here?" He asked as I nodded. Reaching onto the shelves, I took the documents and papers and walked up to him when suddenly my foot hit the bed as I tripped. I closed my expecting myself to fall on the floor but instead I felt something soft under me

Opening my eyes, my eyes almost popped out of the sockets when I realized I fell over Mr. Kim. His eyes were wide open too and so were mine

"Mr. Kim-m, I'm-m sorry-" I was about to get up when he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him

"Stay like this... for a minute" The moment he said that, I felt something. Something, I never felt before. What was this feeling?

There was silence between us. My heart was beating fast and I could feel his doing the same

"From now on..." He spoke breaking the silence

"I'm going to try loving you..."

My secret office romance [Kim Taehyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now