Chapter 6- Met my cousin

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"Was that... your.... boyfriend?" He blurted out as I looked at him in disbelief. How can he even think something like that about me

"Mr. Kim, please! Don't draw conclusions before understanding the matter" I yelled

"Is that why you were hesitating to marry me? Because you have a-" I cut of him by saying

"He's my cousin who went to Paris was study and is now back in Seoul for a couple of weeks. If that's what you call having a boyfriend... then I can't help it" I replied as I grabbed my bag about to leave when he caught my wrist making me look at him

"I'm-m sorry-"

"Save it!" I said before leaving the room and driving off to office

Taehyung's POV:

I messed up! I messed up very badly! I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions before understanding the situation. But now, the most important things is apologizing to her, but how! She's mad at me

End of POV

[Time skip: Office]

Entering the office, I was congratulated by almost all the employee but neither of them knew the actual reason. None of them knew we never loved each other, it was just that we were comfortable next to each other which is why we could live under the same roof but neither of us had any affection towards the other person. It was nothing less than an arrange marriage 

Mr. Kim had arrived but for the first time, I didn't greet or bow at him. Why should I? If he jumps to conclusion without understanding the situation, then that's definitely not my problem. I could see him stealing glances at me from his cabin's window, still I didn't pay attention to him

Busy typing on my laptop regarding different proposals, I was interrupted when my intercom beeped indicating Mr. Kim needed me in his office. Entering his office, I found him sitting on his chair leaning back with eyes closed 

"Mr. Kim, you called me?" I asked

"Yes, what is the status of the meeting with the board members?" He asked with his eyes closed

"Many members are currently out of station, so the meeting was postponed to the next week. If you wish, I can send you the further details" I replied as he nodded

"Is there anything else that you need, Mr. Kim?" I asked 

"I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I cut him off by saying

"Mr. Kim, this is a workplace. I think we should keep our household matter away" I said and was about to leave he caught me by my wrist and pulled me towards him as my head hit his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head in the crook of my neck

"Mr. Kim, anyone can see us" I said trying to get out of his grip but instead he tightened his grip around my waist as a result, pulling me more closer to him

"Mr. Kim-m" I managed to speak. My heart was beating faster than anything. I've never been this close to anyone

"I won't let you go, until you forgive me" He spoke next to my ear in his deep voice sending shivers down my spines

"Mr. Kim, someone-e would see us" I said again

"So what? We are married. It's not like we are dating in private or something. I'll not let you go until you forgive. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have drawn conclusions and doubt you. It's just that... I don't know why but I felt like I should talk to you about this but my stupid brain already drew stupid conclusions. I'm so sorry" He spoke in a soft voice

"I forgive you... but next time, talk to me before drawing conclusions. I felt bad when you suspected me like that" I replied as he hummed in response

"Mr. Kim, I think you should leave me now" I spoke after a minute of silence

"Why? You're my wife" He replied

"But we don't love each other right?" I said and I could feel his grip loosen. Did I say something I wasn't supposed to say? But, I stated facts right?

He finally let go of me and walked up to his desk and continued doing his work without sparing a glance at me

"Mr. Kim, Can I take a leave at 4pm? I'll be back by 5pm" I said but all he did was hum in response. Is he mad at me or something? I left his cabin with my mind full of different thoughts

"I'm trying.... but she isn't. Why?" Taehyung thought

[Time skip: 4pm, local Café]

"I missed you so much!" I said hugging him as soon as I entered the Café

"I missed you too, sis! Let's go in now" He said as I nodded

We sat at the table by the window as the waitress came towards us to get our order

"Good evening, what would you like to have?" She asked

"One Espresso for me and what will you have?" Yoongi asked while I searched for something to have in the menu

"One Americano and strawberry tart" I said

"Thank you, but... are you by any chance Kim Y/n?" The waitress asked me which was kind of shocking for me

"Yes, that's me" I replied

"Congratulations ma'am on your wedding" She congratulated me that's when it hit me. Mr. Kim is quiet famous and we also had a photoshoot so maybe that's how she knows me

"Thank you" I said as she bowed and left

"So, you didn't invite me?" Yoongi asked

"As if I invited you, you would've come from Paris" I replied to which he chuckled

"How is he treating you? I heard you both were in a secret relationship" Yoongi asked

"Yeah, we were" I replied

"Then you both must love each other a lot right?" He asked

"Yes, we love each other a lot"

[Time skip: 8pm; Office]

Spending time with Yoongi really freshened up my mind. Though I've been typing since 5pm, yet I wasn't bored. Almost everyone had gone home by now except me and Mr. Kim. He asked me to work late cause he'll drive us home. Finally finishing typing the 15 pages report, I walked up to Mr. Kim's cabin. Knocking on the door, I entered after I heard a faint 'come in'

"Mr. Kim, I finished with the monthly and weekly reports. I'll email it to you after going home"

"Good job" he complemented me

"Thank you sir" I said bowing but instead of replying, he stood up and kept walking towards me as I started taking a step backwards until my back hit the wall. He trapped me in between his arms and starred into my eyes

"Mr. Kim-m" I managed to speak. His hands caressed my cheek before saying

"Can-n I... kiss you?"

My secret office romance [Kim Taehyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now