Chapter 15- His love for me

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"I think-k I'm in-n love with you-u" The moment he completed his sentence, it felt like the thing I longed for so long, I finally got it. And that was his love for me which he had forgotten about. I was lost in my thoughts when his voice brought me back to reality

"Y/n? "

"Huh? Yes?" 

"It's okay, if you don't feel-" I cut him off in the middle by saying

"Let's meet tomorrow at Café we always meet?" I asked

"Sure!" I could feel the excitement and hope in his voice

"Good night, Taehyung" I wished him

"Good night" He replied before disconnecting the call 

[Time skip: Next day; Café]

Patiently waiting for him, I gazed outside as my eyes landed on a quiet familiar advertisement. It was the same 'drive-in theatre'. Unknowingly a smile crept on my face looking at the banner. 

Taehyung's POV:

 Being a CEO was never easy. I never had time for my personal matters. Somehow I managed to take out some time to visit Y/n. I loved spending time with her or maybe, I loved her. With a smile, I hurried and entered the Café only to find her gazing at something outside

It was an advertisement of a 'drive-in' theatre 

"You're anti-romantic!"

"Excuse me?!?!" 

Unknowingly, these words echoed in my head on seeing the advertisement. Why does these words sound so familiar? Why does it feel like I was the one who said these?

Shrugging off the thoughts, I walked up to Y/n with a smile on my face

End of POV

I saw Taehyung arriving towards me as I waved at him and he waved back

"What were you looking at?" He asked taking a seat

"Me? There's a drive-in theatre nearby. I've always found them as a romantic place" I replied

"Ah, I see. What should we order?" He asked

"I'll have a Espresso. How about you?" I asked

"I'll have an.... Iced Americano" He replied as I nodded

"Do you like coffee? I mean.... you know.... the taste and all...." I asked hesitantly

"Yes, I like coffee" He replied 

"What about hot chocolate?" I asked

"Nah, it's too chocolatey" Wow! He turned upside down!

"Ah" I replied awkwardly 

"Y/n...." He said drawing my attention towards him


"About-t last night-t, sorry if I made you uncomfortable-e-" 

"It's okay. I wasn't uncomfortable" I replied softly

"So... what do you think? Should we give this a try?" He asked 

"I don't know, Taehyung. A part of me wants to but another part is..." I didn't know what should I do. Yes, of course, I wanted to be with him but I don't to pressurize him to remember anything which will only worsen his condition but at the same time, I wanted to be with him. I was craving for his love and care for past 2 years but I don't want to be selfish at the same time

"It's okay. We can still spend time together right?" He asked as I nodded cheerfully earning a chuckle from him

"Then, let's go!" He said and was about to leave but I stopped him making him look at me with confusion


"I don't know, we'll find out" He said before we ran out of Café with our hands intertwined together. I felt like we became little kids again. 

Taehyung kept dragging me to various shops on the streets and gardens. We brought gifts for each other like keychains, small pendants and stuffs. I wish we could live in this memory forever. Taehyung's new cheerful personality was good but somewhere I missed his cold personality more cause he could easily express his love and care for me

Walking down the streets, Taehyung's eyes went on a tattoo shop by the streets and without saying anything, he dragged me there

"What? Don't tell me you are planning to get a tattoo?" I asked in disbelief

"Just wait here" He said winking before going inside

"But you hate getting a tattoo right!?" I yelled from outside but got nothing in response. He was too excited to get a tattoo to listen to me. I sighed and waited for him outside 

Minutes passed until Taehyung finally came out with a smile spread across his face

"Did you really get a tattoo?" I asked as he nodded

"Really??? What did you write? Where is it?" I asked quiet excited 

"Here" He said before showing his arm but the moment I saw it, I froze in my place. He literally tattooed my name on his arm. I looked at him with wide eyes only to find him with his famous boxy smile


"This proves how much I love you!" He said proudly

"Are you mad? Did it hurt?" I asked quiet concerned 

"It didn't! Let's go!" He said before dragging me out of there

[Time skip: Evening]

Sitting on the bench watching the sunset. I looked over to Taehyung who was busy admiring the sunset. The moment our eyes met, I immediately looked away earning a chuckle from him. He pinched my cheeks before saying,

"You're cute. Let's go" He said and stood up and I followed him

"Ice cream?" He asked as I nodded

"I will be right back!" He said before walking towards the ice cream parlor while I stood by the footpath watching cars pass by. 

Taehyung's POV:

I walked up to the ice cream parlor while Y/n waited by the footpath. Taking the ice cream in my hand, I was about to walk towards Y/n but the next thing I saw made me stop in my tracks.

 It was green light and people were rushing to go on the other side when someone pushed Y/n on the streets. Without thinking twice, I dropped the ice creams and rushed towards her and before she could fall on the streets and get hit by a car or something, I managed to catch her 

My one arm was around her waist and another arm supporting her back. She buried her face in my chest, quiet terrified of what worse could've happened. I was about to step back when I got a terrible headache 

Memories of 6 years back started to play in my head as I closed my eyes. Opening my eyes, I looked into Y/n's eyes before asking,

"You're the one I'm supposed to remember, am I right?"

End of POV

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