chapter 4

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Communist union pov
Me and the CSA walked into the meeting and sat down.
Ironwood: So you are the nations Ozpin called us tp meet
CSA: Yes we are
Vale council member: Will you help us against the Grim?
Communist union: The what?
Mistrial council member: Demonic creatures
CSA: We are in!
Ironwood: Can we see what your weapons look like and trade weapons?
Communist union: Sorry but we made a treaty between me and the CSA to prevent anyone from having tech..... Though we will give you medical tech to help more people live is that good?
Ozpin: Yes!
Ironwood: A-
Atlas council member: It is fine enough
CSA: We will begin transferring the tech to you.... They have a secret chip allowing us to destroy them if we need too.... Don't let your little White Fang problem become our problem too...

* They all leave the meeting *

Communist states of America and the Communism union meet RwbyWhere stories live. Discover now