chapter 6

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CSA pov
I began to mobilize my forces as my people began to encounter Grim with the Communist Union reporting the same problems so we began setting patrols and preparing all kinds of defenses against Grim.... We also got some dust from trades and began to combine with our tech while we also began to advance in tech while using our space tech to try and search this universe to see if there are anymore planets like Earth or Remnant to colonize... We also began to help the other nations wipe out mass groups of Grim making us look like saviors of Remnant we also began to open up more bookstores and began to explain our histories to the other nations... Maybe we don't need to make them communist after all....

Communist union pov
With my rapid advancements my strong economy got even stronger with the new manpower from the other nations and we also began to set up our new laws and enforcing them to our new guests from this world.

Communist states of America and the Communism union meet RwbyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt