Long Awaited Rescue

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The two friends embraced in a passionate hug. They had not seen each other in over a week and with no phone or contact, they were the first humans each other had seen since the powerdown.

Bryony and Alexa had rescued each other.

Alexa began to cry, tears of joy streamed down her rosy cheeks.

She was so tired and exhausted, Bryony was the only person in the world who could make her feel safe and protected on a dinosaur inhabited island.

"Why are you still here and where is everybody?" Alexa questioned wiping her eyes.

"Everyone left about an hour ago, in a rush I presume," Bryony answered, looking around at the mess. "I was up on one of the viewing platforms, taking some pictures of the sunset. When I got back, everyone had gone."

"I have missed you so much it's ridiculous,"Alexa sobbed. Bryony was a sister to her and she was overcome with joy.

"You look shattered," Bryony replied. "Go into the back room and grab forty winks on the bunkbed, I'll look after junior." She said pointing to the baby Maiasaura who scampered around on the floor after waking up.

"Can you do a favour for me?" Alexa asked, reaching into her backpack for her notebook.

"Sure." Bryony answered.

"Send this list to JJ and ask him to also check the full population list before cross referring it with the information from a tracker scan." Alexa chuckled. "I need to be sleep deprived more often!"

Bryony sat down at the computer as Alexa left for bed.

Bryony was 24.

She was a research scientist at the park along with being a renowned professional photographer and documentarian. She had black hair which hung just below her shoulders and eyes. She usually wore what she wore all the time. Black skinny jeans, a vest top with ripped sleeves, her favourite green scarf covered in skulls and black military style boots.

She logged in to the Park system on the PC and within minutes, Bryony could hear her friend snoring quietly in the next room.

She flicked across the screen with a simple swipe and selected the small icon in the shape of a camera at the bottom of the screen. It was the CCTV cameras.

Bryony then selected the section of the screen labelled 'Research Centre'. It showed a full screen view of the outside of the building.

"All clear." She muttered to herself after sliding through 3 shots, showing various angles of the building's surroundings.

She then closed that window before clicking on another icon in the shape of a dinosaur. Several folders then popped up.

Animal Food Orders


Enclosure Cameras

Herbivore Holding Pens Cameras

Carnivore Holding Pens Cameras

Dinosaur Data and Information

She selected Dinosaur Data and Information and opened a file containing numerous Word documents. She opened one of them entitled 'Full Population List' and printed it.

The printer rattled and shook as it burst into life, spitting the paper out violently.

Flying out of the printer, the paper landed on the floor. Bryony picked it up and stuck it to a notice board behind the computer.

She then copied Alexa's list out of her book onto a post-it note before

sticking that also on the notice board.

Park Life: A Jurassic Park that workedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن