17 | Enzo

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"Is she awake yet?" I ask my father through the phone.

He lets out a sigh, "Not yet."

I run a hand through my hair frustrated.

"Alright, call me when she does." I end the call after that.

Lila still hasn't woken up and it's been 3 days already.

"You know she'll be alright?" Damon says from beside me.

We were both at the company in Italy since we couldn't go back home due to the events that happened.

"I know, but that blow was intense. It's taking everything in me not to go and shoot up the Millas."

I knew despite everything that they did to Lila, she would never forgive me for carrying out a blood bath on them. She's got too big of a heart. I don't even deserve it.

"I don't see the deal with it." Mia, my secretary says while entering the room.

I snap my eyes to her while Damon looks absolutely appalled from beside me.

"I mean she doesn't really have any knowledge of the mafia world not to mention she's only seen as a weakness for you Enzo." She states bluntly.

Damon rises from his seat and starts towards her, fuming with anger.

"Mia, I do hope you remember your fucking place. I don't care how long you've been working as my secretary and how close you are with my family, I will not hesitate to fire you and make you lose more than just your job for insulting my girl." I snap as I rise from my seat too.

She looks at us bewildered and shaking.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. B-Barachi." She fumbles with the papers in her hands.

"Just give me the papers and get out." I say, having enough of her attitude.

She quickly placed the pile of papers on the edge of my desk before shooting out the room.

"I never liked her." Damon says angrily as he paces around the room.

"You need a new secretary. How about Nathalia or Lila even." He suggests.

I nod in response. I never really made a big deal out of having a secretary or not. My mother just enforced that because she didn't want me overworking. Although I doubt she'll like that now that Mia just insulted her future daughter in-law.

"What are we going to do about the Millas?" Damon asks as he tries to balance a pen on his forehead.

"I've already severed ties and any ounce of alliance with them. This is going to make other families feel even more unease with them, making it harder for them to make and keep any alliance." I answer.

"Which means Millas will be pissed off children."

I hum in response, "I want you to continue training Lila with the knives. She's going to be an even bigger target now that Millas are most likely to rebel."

"Got it capo." He salutes me.

I roll my eyes before grabbing my things and exiting my office along with Damon to go to our next meeting.


I enter the meeting room in our empire that was now seated with the dons and donnas of different mafia families. Some were fidgeting while others remained emotionless.

I settle beside my father while Damon sits beside me.

"I'm sure you all know why I've called this meeting." I glance at every one of them as they give a nod.

"I hope you all know what entails after this. Every one of you have a donna in position and I'm sure you'll act to defend them. In this current situation my queen is still unconscious. The millas will try at everything to carry out whatever nonsense they have up their sleeves." I pause to allow them to register the information.

"I suspect there will be war between us and the Millas. Before I continue, if any of you would like to exit, because you do not want to associate with war, you are welcome to leave." I nod my head towards the door.

Some chatter amongst each other and two of them get up to leave but everyone else stays put.

23 out of 25. Not bad.

"Let's get this party started then!" Damon chrips as he claps his hands twice.

"Does that mean you'll be staying in Italy to carry this out?" Alejandro, don of the spanish mafia, asks.

"Yes, I'll be staying in Italy until this is resolved." I answer.

"I know you all came out from your own empires to here. So I will have multiple rooms opened for you guys to reside in or you're welcome to stay at one of the other houses."

They all give me a thankful nod.

"Do we have a plan on what to do?" Nhung, donna of the Vietnamese mafia, asks.

"At the moment we are waiting for Lila to wake up. We won't be doing anything without having her input as well."

Nhung gives me a prideful smile, "I'm sure she will be up soon and we'll be fighting by her side all the time."

A chorus of agreements echo through the meeting room as everyone else was determined to avenge Lila.

I glance over at Damon who has a smirk, "You picked some good alliances." He whispers to me.

"When have I ever been wrong?" I ask him.

He scoffs, "Cocky bastard."

"If nothing else, this meetings over. We'll meet again once Lila wakes up. Thank you for choosing to fight beside us. You will all be gifted for your actions." I finish as I stand and leave.

Once I make it out the door, Nhung calls out to me.

I turn on my heels to face her.

"I know Lila probably has the best trainers, but if she wants, I will always be up for helping her out too. As you know, I'm also skilled in knives." She offers.

Nhung lost her brother who was suppose to be don of the vietnamese mafia. She had to take his place as young as 18 and was forced to mature quicker than most people her age. Her mafia and mine has known each other for a while now.

"Thank you." I say

"No need to thank us. We will always be available if you need. The millas have done us dirty as well." Dai, Nhung's husband, says as he approaches us.

I give them both a small grin and nod.

Time to go see my queen.


any book or song recs? i'm currently reading the six of crows and i have an obsession with kaz brekker/freddy carter (ᗒᗣᗕ)

any book or song recs? i'm currently reading the six of crows and i have an obsession with kaz brekker/freddy carter (ᗒᗣᗕ)

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pls why he being so hot for no reason

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