27 | Lila

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5 days later

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Zhi Xingyun

The wet droplets of water feel cool underneath my fingertips as I trace over the engraving of my father's name on his tombstone.

I picked up the sunflowers that he always loved and placed them beside him. I then placed down mama's favorite lillies beside hers.

We had gotten back to New York and I decided to commemorate them here beside the ocean.

Papa and Mama always loved it here. We always came here for brief vacations.

I situate myself between them and pull my knees up to my chest before looking out over the beautiful blue ocean.

I let my eyes close as I bask in the smell of saltwater, the coos of seagulls, and the clashes of waves as they hit the sand. The howling of the wind as it whips my hair in all directions.

It was peaceful.

I open my eyes and look towards the sky. I then lay on my back against the grass as I raise one hand up towards the clouds.

"I love you."

My eyes sting with tears.

"We got back safely from our flight. I hope you like this place. I remember how papa always threw me into the water and mama, you always yelled at him for doing so." I said aloud towards the clouds.

A small smile made its way onto my face.

"I don't know if he hear me from up there..."

I stand up, head raised high towards the clouds, hands hollowed around my lips.

"I LOVE YOU!" I scream with everything in me as I swallow back a sob.

Just as I let my hands fall to my side, a flow of a leaf falls onto my shoulder.

I choke out a laughter at the sheer possibility that this might just be a sign from them.

I kneel by the tombstones one last time and kiss my two fingers before placing them on the engravings.

I wipe away my tears and wobble over to Enzo's car that was parked beside the beach.

Enzo is leaned up against his car as he stares hard at the sea.

I creep up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He tenses for a minute before realizing it was me and immediately wraps me up in his warmth.

"Are you cold amore?" He asks softly.

I shake my head.

We stand there, in each other's warmth as we watch the sun set. The sky turning into a mixture of deep orange, red, pink, and now a mixture of blue and black.

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