Chapter 35

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"Actually, I'm relieved you're just friends,"

That one sentence kept repeating in Jisung's mind. It was now seven o'clock in the morning of the next day. He sat on a bench in front of the school gate, since it wasn't even open yet. He just needed to clear his mind, he hadn't been able to sleep at all. "Was he playing with my head or did I just completely misunderstand that," he talked to himself.

"Jisung?" someone called out to him. "Why are you here so early?"

Jisung was surprised and jumped up a bit. He wasn't excpecting to see his friend here at this time. "I could ask you the same... Why so early, Felix?"

Felix simply shrugged. "I always go on a walk around this time before school and in weekends too, kind of like a routine," he said. "How about you?"

"I couldn't sleep," Jisung said with a sigh. He didn't really know how to say what the cause of it was. He didn't want to assume what Minho meant, but his mind really wanted to know.

Felix gasped. "You've been here the whole night?"

Jisung laughed. "No silly, I just came here to clear my mind after not having been able to fall asleep,"

Felix decided to sit down next to Jisung. "What's on your mind?" he asked his friend. He could see it on his face from miles away. Though he asked, he was sure the answer was Minho. "Or rather, who's on your mind," he changed the sentence.

Jisung's face swung to the side, looking at Felix. "Shit, that obvious huh," he said with a sigh, laughing afterwards. "Yesterday... he said something and I can't keep it out of my mind... It just keeps repeating and repeating," he said, frustrated.

"What did he say?" Felix wondered out of curiosity, but also trying to help his friend out.

Jisung inhaled and said in one breath, "He said he's relieved that Minjun and I are just friends," he exhaled. "What does that mean," He buried his face in his hands as he was really frustrated.

"Doesn't that mean he's relieved that you don't like guys?" Felix said as he completely misunderstood.

Jisung shook his head left to right. "No, he knows I like—" Suddenly, Jisung came to a realisation. His brain was in real delay, because this realisation came about 12 hours too late. "Wait... How does he know that I like guys?" he asked himself in thought. "That's not something I wanted him to find out... Why did he go there,"

"Oh, so he knows?" Felix wondered.

"I'm not sure..." Jisung answered. He looked at his friend once again as he realised he was wearing sportswear. "Wait... why are you wearing that?"

Felix looked at his outfit and then back at Jisung. "Oh, I'm going to the gym," he said.

Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Before school?"

Felix frowned. He was confused. He looked at his watch before looking back at his friend. "Jisung... it's Saturday,"

Jisung's eyes widened. He looked at the date on his phone and... Felix was right. "Fucking hell," he groaned. He was really out of it. On a positive note, he wouldn't be seeing Minho on this day.


Although Jisung had decided not to see Minho's face on this very day, he couldn't help but ponder. He kept wondering and wondering, as he eventually came to a conclusion. Right now he felt pissed and betrayed, so he was going to get to the bottom of this.

And thus he decided to visit Minho at his home and clear this misunderstanding once and for all. He was now standing in front of his house. As the nerves finally got to him, he kept pacing back and forth on their lawn. "I could still pretend as if nothing's up... No, I shouldn't run anymore, I've done enough of that and it didn't get me anywhere," he whispered to himself as he was still pacing.

He stopped in his step as he had had enough. His head would only decide to turn the other way, but he didn't want to do this now. Even if the question he had destroyed everything. And before his mind had caught up, he had knocked on the front door already.

The voice in his head kept repeating what he was here for and what he should say. He can't really prepare himself for the conversation since he had no clue what Minho's answers would be.

And as his mind wandered off for a minute, the door finally opened. "Jisung, what a nice surprise," the person, who opened the door, said. It was Minho's father.

For some reason, Jisung felt relieved that it wasn't Minho who immediately opened the door. This way he can prepare his mind. "Hi, sir! Is Minho home?" he asked Mr. Lee.

"No need to be so formal!" Mr. Lee smiled at the boy. "Yes, he's home, he does have a friend over at the moment. Are you here to tutor him?" he wondered.

Jisung looked away for a bit, in thought, until Minho's father mentioned the tutoring. He looked towards Mr. Lee. "Oh... yes, I am," he lied. He felt bad immediately after. "Why did I lie?" he wondered to himself.

"Come on in! He's upstairs in his room," Mr. Lee said, pointing towards the stairs. "You can go up,"

"Thank you, sir!" Jisung answered, still as polite as ever. He went upstairs, having forgotten that it was a maze on the first floor of this mansion. A few doors later, he knocked on what he thought was Minho's bedroom door. "Come on, memory. Don't let me down," he thought to himself.

"Come in," Minho shouted from inside of the room.

Things went slow but are now finally moving in a lighting pace xD
I admit the pacing of this story is all over the place-- sorry bout that :')

Q; Anyone who watches anime or reads manga?? If yes, which ones? Or rather which genre do you mostly watch or read?

A; Naruto, Demon slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Akatsuki no Yona (I've watched so many, this is only 0.1%) -- Genre wise, I like shounen, shoujo, action, fantasy, drama... Bit of everything tbh

To be continued ;)

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