Chapter 2

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Isabella's Pov

My body felt like it was on fire as I screamed out in pain. I felt so bad for scaring Annie but I couldn't help it.

The pain consumed my mind and I had no control. I tried to move seeing if that would help but it didn't for some reason I felt a metallic taste seep into my mouth until my mouth was full of it.

I wiped my nose with the sleeve of my jumper and when I looked at my sleave I was shocked but scared at the same time. That's when I knew something was wrong with me.

"Isabella we are nearly at the hospital just hold on for a bit longer." I could only just make out the words my step dad said as the ringing of pain pounded in my ears and my vision was blurred because of my tears.

"It hurts so much. make it stop. I WANT IT TO STOP!" I screamed the last part as another wave of pain struck my body. "That's it I'm dying aren't I" I thought to myself.

"I know it hurts but please just stay with me, 1 more minute okay?" His voice was laced with concern.

I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak without screaming, so I just nodded my head instead.

That 1 minute was the longest minute of my life, it felt like a whole hour. Eventually my step dad Derek made it to the hospital and man, someone put him in the fast and furious movies.

Somewhere in between me being in pain and thinking about fast and furious, Derek had scooped up my body and I was know laying in a bed in the emergency room.

Doctors and nurses rushed to my side, sticking needles in my arms and hooking me up to weird machine's. One of the nurses even put a sleeping gas mask over my face.

"What's your name Sweet little girl." An older nurses voice softly spoke

"Isabella Accardi." I spoke, But no one could hear me, it felt as if I never said my name. I must be going crazy, probably the drugs they gave me!

"Her Name is Isabella Anderson." A voice spoke up from all the mayhem, it was Derek's voice.

Wait a second, did he just say Isabella Anderson, weird they must have changed my last name when mum married him. I guess I'm now Isabella Anderson now.

Soon enough the sleeping gas kicked in my eyelids got too heavy to keep open for any longer and darkness soon consumed me.


I woke up to the sound of the beeping from a dumb machine that woke me up, I glared at it thinking that it would stop. What am I on seriously? I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now.

"What did the poor heart rate monitor ever do to you." A friendly voice laughed from the entrance of the room. It was a young nurse probably only 25, her blond hair was up in a messy bun with two strands left out framing her face and her blue eyes were filled with so much happiness.

Soon the events of last night came rushing back and I was just left in a state of shock for a second until I was snapped out of it by that stupid heart rate monitor.

"What happened to me, what's wrong with me." My voice crooked as a tear escaped my eyes. The nurse just came over and sat on the side of my bed, she softly wiped away my tears and took a deep breath.

"Nothings wrong with you, you just got unlucky with this one." She paused trying to find the words for what she was going to say. "Isabella, I'm so sorry, we found out that you have leukemia, I really wish that it wasn't the cause but luckily we have lots of different options to treat it"

She continued to speak but I could hear anything, it's like the whole world went silent. my mind was racing 100miles a minute as the words "you have leukemia." Repeated in my head like a broken record, I'm the broken record.

A sob escaped from my mouth and that's when the nurse pulled me into a tight hug, I collapsed further into her body crying uncontrollably. I could feel soft circles being rubbed onto my back, I was tired, too tired, mentally and physically drained. Once again I gave into sleep, but this time I no longer felt like I was on cloud nine, I felt like I was being drowned under a raging sea. Trapped.


"Look Isabella it's going to be alright we will find the money and we will get you chemotherapy." My mum tried to reassure me that everything is going to be fine, but I know it's not, nothing ever goes in my favor.

"Okay I get it you have been saying that for the last 6 days mum." I said extremely annoyed and already sick of the hospital, look I know I'm being rude but I just found out I'm dying so just give me a break, "Oh shut up brain." I thought to myself.

"I'm going to go home now so I can start making dinner. Derek's going to pick you up and drive you back home once the nurses say you are alright to go home for the night." Mum says as she gives me a quick kiss on my forehead, grabbing her handbag she waves goodbye and leaves my hospital room.

Before I could even say goodbye she left. It reminded me of when I was younger before mum met Dereck when I was 10, We were always moving around and never stayed put in one place. Mum would always be working different hours and would leave me home alone, I would have to make myself lunch and dinner and on most nights I would make mum dinner.

I guess that's what I have always done, I'm the one in the house that has to do the cooking, cleaning and washing, some days I would even have to look after my step sis. But that's what normal teens do right?

"Hey you ready to go home bud." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Derek.

"Please don't call me bud." I spoke up, Derek just ruffled my hair. I was discharged for the night cause tomorrow I'm starting my chemotherapy, something I really don't want to start.

We were driving back to the house when suddenly Derek broke the silence and spoke up. "Hey kiddo I know you were confused about my putting your last name down as Anderson, But its just for safety precaution's okay"

I was about to ask why but the car came to a screeching halt and I looked up to see the thing that would change my life forever.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, What did Isabella say?

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