Chapter 27

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Isabellas pov

This bed is the comfiest thing in the world, it's massive and I can starfish out on it so that's what I did. My hand flopped down onto the pillow beside me but then the pillow groaned in annoyance. Wait pillow's aren't meant to make noise!

Meh probably some rich shit I didn't know about.

"Get your hand off of my face before I break it" The pillow grumbled. If that's not a pillow then what is it? Who is it? My head shoots up from the mattress to see an annoyed but amused Alessandro smirking down at me.

"You would make a great pillow!" I compliment before flopping back down onto the bed earning a deep chuckle from Alessandro.

"Did you know you're a violent sleeper, like really aggressive." Alessandro laughs, causing my cheeks to go red. At Least I'm not a violent person. Alessandro got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to have a shower while I decided to do the extremely productive thing and sleep.

Right when I was just about to fall back to the bliss that's called sleep I feel the bed dip down on the side of me. I lift my head up to see Alessandro fully dressed in an all black suit and hair done perfectly, of course he's in a suit.

"I like what you did with your hair!" He said carefully inspecting my reaction. Ugh I forgot about my hair, or do I just say head now that I don't have hair.

"Yeah well I don't, I look like an ugly old bald man that has no life. I'm no longer your sister. I'm officially one of the boys" I complain trying to pull the covers back over my head. Maybe I should just stay inside and lose all contact with the outside just until my hair grows back so no one knows I'm bald.

"You don't look like an old man, and you definitely will not be one of the boys, you think I would let you become what those things are!" Alessandro laughed pointing towards the door where the sounds of the boys screaming at each other seeped from.

"I look ugly without hair, I had a wig but now it's got blood all in it and now it's completely destroyed. I cant let ANYONE see me without hair." I'm almost at the brink of tears.

"Why not, you look beautiful." Alessandro states as he looks down at me with a sad smile. Why does he get to have good hair?

"Everyone will stare at me!" I reply pulling the covers back over my head, maybe I can stay here long enough for my hair to grow back.

"What if you're not the only one they're looking at?"

what? Curiosity gets the better of me as I pull the covers away from my head. I look over to Alessandro who is now standing at the doorway with the biggest smirk on his face, my eyes trail to what is in his hand as he moves it towards his hair. Before I could stop him he shaves his head right down the centre.

"Did you just..."


"For me?"

"Of course." Those two words brought tears to my eyes.


"Good morning you two look...bald? Oh fuck your bald!" Antonio says in shock just as he fell off his chair. Idiot.

"Hey Antonio, can you come here and help me with something?" I ask while pulling out a fake cough so he can't refuse. He doesn't need to know it's fake. Within seconds Antonio was by why side asking what I need help with as Alessandro walks up behind him with an evil grin.

"Sorry not sorry" I say quickly moving out of reach of Antonio while Alessandro grabs ahold of him, shaving his hair off as well.

"My hair." Was all Antonio could mutter for a solid 10 minutes. Did I break one of my brothers? Oh well I have 5 others. After a while Antonio finally accepted his fate and he too had a devilish smirk on his face.

"Who next?" Was the only thing he had to ask before we started the hunt for our next victim.

It took us all day but we did it! We shaved everyone's head in the household, some don't even know it yet because they are extremely heavy sleepers.

Sorry Raf and Camillo.

"I'm hungry, who wants pancakes?" I question from the couch, all of us except the two sleeping beauties are chilling in the living room watching Cristian and Alessandro try to beat each other in a game of Forza.

"Hi hungry, I'm bald." Camillo strolls into the room looking bald as ever. I suppose he woke up. Camillo takes one glance around the room and to his surprise everyone in this room Is balled, he just lets a small chuckle go before kissing me on my head and motioning towards the kitchen.

"PANCAKES!" I scream jumping off of the couch and running full speed towards the kitchen earning laughs from the boys. Camillo started to make the batter while I just sat on the counter in amazement, PANCAKES!


"How do you think our brother will like his new hairdo?" Dante laughs as we all sit outside by the pool eating pancakes. Even Alessandro has joined us in our wait for the final brother to wake up, all of us have decided it would be best if we stuck together so no one would have to suffer the raff of an awaking Rafaello alone. It would be terrifying.

"I think he will be surprised." Antonio Laughs as Dante tries to push him in the pool. I swear these boys never stop fighting. Cristian, Camillo and Alessandro are all talking about business deals and how a recent shipment of theirs was supposedly lost, and I'm just sitting on the grass underneath one of our oak trees near the pool making a flower crowns with clover sitting by my side with a small flower crown placed on her head.

"So how many flower crowns do I need to make?" I question as all heads turn to me, I think they will look amazing on all of them and it will definitely bring out their masculinity and strong Mafia men expression.

"Just make us all one and make sure to use as many pink flowers as you can on Rafaello and Alessandro's" Camillo replies earning a slap on the back of his head by Alessandro.

"Thank you for the amaz-" I was cut off by a scream, I think Rafaello woke up. Blue flowers will bring out the colour of Rafaellos eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!" Rafaello storms outside and freezes as he notices everyone else is also bald, but what caught his attention the most was me in the background trying to hold in my laughs.

"You think this is funny hey!" He looks over to me with a devilish grin and mischief floating in his eyes.

"Possibly" I say before falling into a fit of giggles. That was all I had to say before he came running over to me and lifting me up into the air. I let out a small scream as he made his way over to the pool's side.

"No STO-'' The cold water rushed into my mouth. The boys don't know that I can swim, they also don't know how long I can hold my breath for. After about 30 seconds I start to hear the muffled panicked voices of my brothers before 3 big pools of bubbles surround me and I'm dragged to the surface.

"Isabella!" I look over to see it was Alessandro that dragged me back to the surface, he's even still wearing his suit. okay maybe I shouldn't have done that.

"I'm fine, I can hold my breath for a minute, I also know how to swim! I just thought I might get back at Rafaello '' I laughed as he let out a breath of relief, I feel a little guilty that I did that.

"Don't ever do that again!" Camillo demanded as he glared at me, I might have gone a little far. Now all my brothers are either in the pool or crowded around the outside of it, all looking extremely concerned.

"Go get changed Isabella we have guests coming soon!" Alessandro announced as he helped me make my way out of the pool.

I wonder who our guests are?

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