Chapter 7

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Antonio's pov

It's been 30 minutes and Isabella still hasn't said a word or come out from her room so Alessandro and Cristian went up to her room to see if she would talk to them. Was I helping? Nope. I was sitting in the living room watching tv instead.

She obviously needs space so I'm going to respect that and give her space!

"THATS IT CRISTIAN GIVE ME THE KEYS" Alessandro roared, haha as if she would want to talk to them now, he probably scared her shitless.

Oh well not my problem

So i continued to watch my show and it's finally getting to the interesting part

"SOMETHINGS BLOCKING THE DOOR IT WONT OPEN" Oh god Alessandro is getting really pissed now

"DID YOU EVEN UNLOCK IT" I heard Camilo yell back at Alessandro

"IM NOT A FUCKING IDIOT" Alessandro snapped back

haha this is so entertaining to listen to, i wonder how Isabella is going.

Getting a little bored I look out the window and something catches my eyes. It's a girl they have the twins jumper on, that's really weird. I keep staring straight at the girl and then it hits me, THAT'S ISABELLA!

It's as if she realises that I know it's her. She turned around and started sprinting into the forest.


"SHE RAN INTO THE FOREST, SHE'S NOT IN HER ROOM SHE GOT OUT" I yell as loud as I can, the whole house goes silent.

"SHE RAN INTO THE FUCKING FOREST" I yell again getting up and start to run to the back door, I can hear the loud footsteps of my brothers as the all run out of their rooms and down the stairs.

I opened the back door and started sprinting to where I saw her enter the forest. I swear this girl is going to be the end of this family.

I look back to see Alessandro look up and Isabella's open window and nod to the others confirming that she has run away. As if we were in a simulation they all turn and start charging towards the forest.

Isabella wherever you are we will find you. We are your brothers and that means we will stop at nothing to get you.

Alessandro's pov

As I unlock Isabella's door, extremely mad that she wouldn't talk let alone open the door, I'm shocked when i go to push it open and it doesn't move. I try again and again even harder but it still wont open, why won't it open.

Oh Isabella you really know how to piss me off don't you!

"SOMETHINGS BLOCKING THE DOOR IT WONT OPEN" I yell as I threw my body against the door trying to get it to open just a tiny bit

"DID YOU EVEN UNLOCK IT" I heard Camillo yells back at me as he started storming down the hall towards me and Cristian.

"IM NOT A FUCKING IDIOT" I snap back and glare at Camilo as he tries to open the door aswell. Cristian's just standing next to us looking as smug as ever, is he really that entertain by this.

"SHE RAN INTO THE FOREST, SHE'S NOT IN HER ROOM SHE GOT OUT '' Antonio yells. Whole house goes silent not believing what everyone just heard

"SHE RAN INTO THE FUCKING FOREST" Antonio yells again and thats when we all realise that hes serious. My head snaps over to Cristian and Camillo, All colour drains from Camillo's face and Cristian looks as if he will kill anyone.

The twins' doors swing open as they begin to race down the hall and down the stairs. We follow behind from the corner of my eye I can see Camillo check the ammo in his gun and Cristian checking if he still has his gun on him, which he does.

We all make our way out the back. I quickly glanced up at Isabella's open window confirming that she had run away. Looking back at the boys I give them a nod to say that it's true and their faces all turn into murderous looks as they start to charge into the forest.


It's been an hour and a half, no one has spotted Isabella and I grew even more concerned as it has gotten dark, too dark for Isabella to be out in the forest by herself.

My whole world froze as I heard a blood curtailing scream erupted from nowhere and as quick as it came it left with no trace of where it came from, all I know is that wasn't any of the boys screaming it was Isabella.

I started running even faster trying to find her. We need to find her!

Come on Isabella where are you

Why did you scream

Please don't hide


It's been another hour and all the boys are on edge and scared shitless.

"CAMILLO COME HERE" I hear Dante yell at Camillo. We have gone in a buddy system so the youngest 3 don't end up getting lost.

Camillo and Dante

Cristian and Rafeallo

And that leaves me with Antonio. Why am I stuck with Antonio? Well you see he is extremely forgetful and will most definitely get lost....And also last year he went for a walk in the woods and was lost for 7 hour. The funniest part is that he wasn't that far in the forest when we found him.

"HEY WE FOUND HER" Camillo's voice echoed throughout the forest. Thank god they found her, Antonio and I started running towards where we spotted Dante.

"STOP" Dante yelled just in time as i nearly ran off the small cliff edge, it was probably 10 meters. I frantically look around for Isabella but I can't see her or Camillo.

"Where are they?" I questioned Dante but he doesn't answer me instead he points down the edge.

I look down there to see Camillo run over to Isabella's unconscious body. Small cuts and bruises littler her body and a small trail of blood runs down her face coming from somewhere in her hair.

Camillo checks for a pulse on her neck, he glances up at us and nods, a small wave of relief rushes through me.

Now we just have to find a way to get her up here. I climbed down to help Camillo get Isabella back up. After a little while of us trying different ways to get her up we decided to tie her to my back with a small rope the boys threw down.

Finally we made it back up the small cliff and Cristian did a quick check over because he's the doctor in the family, she will need a couple of stitches for her head but it's nothing serious. We also discovered that she has a couple of burns on her legs.

I thought the police said she wasn't in the fire, she just witnessed it?


Its been a couple more hours Cristian put in the stitches and changed her into a different jumper (He only took the ripped jumper off and put a cleaner one on, don't worry and also his family)

Isabella is currently knocked out in my bed as the younger 3 are trying to climb up through her window to move whatever is blocking the door.


Rafaello: *Sends a photo of all the furniture stacked on the bed blocking the door* She did a good job.

Cristian: What the hell

Camillo: She definitely didn't want anyone to come in haha

Rafaello: Dante what did you do to make her this pissed off at all of us

Dante: I swear I didn't do or say anything wrong!!!

Alessandro: Hey, does anyone know if we have any bolts or screws and where I can find them?

Camillo: Yeah there's some in the garage.....Why?

Alessandro: well lets just say it's going to be extremely difficult to move any furniture

Antonio: haha Alessandro is going to bolt the furniture down to the floor


Alessando: Hey Cristian, I think she's waking up.

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