Chapter 28

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After getting dry I changed into a matching pair of dark green sweats with a black beanie to go with it since I don't want whoever the guests are to see me bald. The pool was freezing because it's nearly winter! I love winter, I find it so peaceful how the snow gently falls from the sky covering everything in white and how it gets so cold. I can just wear sweats without being judged.

I spent awhile on my phone talking to Liliana, Aurora and Riley about how we should hang out soon. They wouldn't shut up about how Sebastian was the one who found me, I was about to make an excuse up for why i had to leave the call but I heard other people downstairs. I guess I didn't have to make up excuses. I made my way down to the living room where the voices were coming from, I glanced around the room to see my eldest brothers talking to a couple that are in their forties and a girl that looked around my age standing next to them.

The girl had light brown hair that was perfectly wavy, her skin was a golden tan colour and her outfit was so perfectly done that you would think she's about to walk on the runway.

Everyone seemed to notice my arrival and the couple came and introduced themselves to me while their daughter stood behind them looking at me with a small smile.

"Hello Isabella, I'm Roberto. This is my wife Aria and our wonderful daughter Angelica. I can just see you two being the best of friends." He said as his wife gave me a small wave and the daughter kept staring at me.

"It's nice to meet you guys." I reply, trying to be as polite as possible.

"My husband Roberto works with your brothers!" Aria smiles before adding an unnecessary comment. "I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother."

"Isabella, why don't you go up stairs with Angelica while we talk about some business alright?" Camillo piped in, noticing that the comment was making me feel uncomfortable. He nodded his head towards the stairs telling me not to disagree with him.

Angelica and I made our way up the stairs and as soon as we were out of sight of my brothers her smile dropped into a scowl and her mood changed completely. As we walked into my room she went straight to my bed and went on her phone instead of talking to me.

"I thought you would have dressed nicer or even looked presentable considering how rich you are." She snickered to me, eyeing what I was wearing as if it was poison.

"I, I um would rather be comfortable." I stammer as I sit on my couch on the other side of the room. What did I ever do to her?

"I'm just saying you have the best life ever yet you still dress like your homeless, how unappreciative can you get!" Angelica spits out as she starts to walk around my room touching and judging all my stuff.

"My life isn't the best just because I have money doesn't mean anything." I state in complete shock with how she's acting. She comes into my house and treats me like I'm road kill.

"Oh what, you saw someone die at the ball! Did that remind little poor Isabella about how her mummy dearest died? You could have done something to save them, couldn't you, but you didn't?" Angelica mocks me in a baby voice as she moves closer to me just to annoy me. Her head whips to the side as my hand makes contact with her cheek.

"I hit a nerve there didn't I? Are you still upset about how your mum is dead? I heard from a little bird that you had a step sister screaming out your name, trying to get help before she died. You didn't save her!" Angelica smirks as tears start streaming down my cheeks. She reaches up to my beanie pulling it off, at first she was shocked than a sinister grin grew on her face.

"You have no hair. No wonder the boys didn't announce your arrival sooner!" She laughs at me before leaving my room. I closed my door and locked it in fear that she would come back. I broke down into sobs as I slid down my door, the realisation of everything had finally set in and it hit me like a truck.

I don't know why their deaths and everything hadn't fully set in but now, now the overwhelming feeling of grief swallows me whole. I just wish the floor would open me up and take me away from all my problems.

I'm not sure how long I was on my floor crying but I do know I passed out at some point.

The next day I could barely find the will to open my eyes, I felt so drained mentally and physically, I did want to get up and have a good day but I just couldn't, wouldn't.

I don't want to see anyone today, I'm afraid I would just break down into little pieces and be blown away by the wind, never to be seen again. This overwhelming feeling is crushing me, drowning me and I have no idea when I will be able to gasp onto a breath of air and find the strength to keep me afloat.

I suppressed all my feelings and hoped they would go away for the past month or so that I have been here. Now because of what Angelica said has opened the gates to my darkest fears and memories.

The memories of that night, the night I was told I was dying, the night when my whole life flipped upside-down. That endless night in the hospital where nurses and doctors would do so many tests on me, the heart breaking cries of my little step sister over the phone. She said that I need to get better and how scared she was for me. We cried on the phone for an hour until she wore herself out and all I could hear was her soft breathing when she fell asleep. I didn't sleep much that night. I don't think I slept at all.

At some point of me being trapped by my thoughts Dante came into my room and sat besides me on my bed.

"You're normally up and annoying us by now, what's going on?" He says concern clearly in his tone.

I couldn't even find the effort to reply to him, all I could do was shrug my shoulders.

"Are you mad at us? Did we do something, if so we didn't mean anything!" Dante says slightly panicked. I don't want to worry him, I have already been a burden enough.

"Can you just say something, please." He begs. I can hear the hurt in his voice, I want to say something, anything but my voice is caught in my throat.

"Fine I will leave you alone, most of us boys are downstairs if you need anything." Dante stood up and walked over to my door, he glanced back at me with a sad look etched in his features before he left. I wanted to tell him to stay, I wanted to scream out my problem, I want to have someone stay with me and listen. I don't want to be left alone.

Alone to my thoughts.


Hey guys, so sorry for the long wait. I know this is only a short chapter. I have just been extremely busy these past weeks and I'm only getting more busy.

Hope you guys like the story so far and please remember to vote and comment!!!

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