Chapter 40

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Isabella's pov
"Non svegliarla, cazzo, ha bisogno di riposare" a voice argued outside my room. (Don't fucking wake her up, she needs to rest)

Times like this make me realise that I really need to download duolingo and start to learn some Italian, just so I had a slightly higher chance of understanding what anyone says around here.

"She's probably already awake it's fucking one in the afternoon!" Another voice argues back, huh it sounded like Eli.

I really don't want to be bothered by anyone right now. looking outside I can see a huge garden that is covered by snow, maybe I can find my way down there so I don't have to see anyone.

Slowly I creep my way out of bed and into a wardrobe where I find myself a oversized jumper that goes to my knees and a pair of sweat pants that are way too big for me. I think this is one of the boys room, hahaha they probably had to sleep on the couch cause im in their room.... Actually they are rich enough to have multiple spare rooms so they probably slept in one of those.

Looking around the room I found myself some Ugg boots and slowly crept my way to the balcony while still hearing the boys argue outside my room.

Once I'm on the balcony I find myself a support beam that leads to the ground, I quickly climb over the railing. Stopping dead in my tracks as I see my bedroom door hand twist... shit if they catch me like this they probably would think I'm trying to kill myself.


Look I wasn't truely going to shoot myself the first time we all met, I just wanted to stop everything and that was the only control I had.

The door slightly creaks open a sliver but is quickly shut as more arguing begins.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING WAKE HER UP. Giuro su Dio che se vai in quella stanza e svegli Isabella, trascinerò personalmente il tuo triste culo al piano di sotto di fronte a tutti dove sarai gettato in piscina e chiuso fuori fino a quando non sarai sull'orlo dell'ipotermia, poi ti trascinerò di nuovo dentro in modo che tu possa spiegare a tutti perché volevi svegliare Isabella!" The voice starts scolding in Italian.

Slowly I climb down the side of the beam finally making it to the ground, as soon as I do I start sprinting towards the safety and silence of the garden before I am caught .

Weaving my way through the hedges I find a small bench that is coated by snow, I quickly brush it off and sit down pulling my hoody over my head in an effort to keep me warmer for longer.

I actually don't think I would be that hard to find if anyone went looking for me because they could easily follow my footprints in the snow.

Lorenzo's pov
"Has anyone seen Isabella's yet?" Valentino asks strolling into the living room. All the cousins are hanging out in the living room while the dad's are in the main office trying to figure out how to get the Accardi boy's here to see their sister and father.

"Nah she's still asleep in my room, had to stay in one of the spare one's for the night. I went in a few hours ago to grab some clothes but she was still asleep when I left." I stated focusing on the Tv infront of me as I was playing Call of Duty against Elio and Carlos.

"I'll go wake her up, maybe she'd like to join us!" Elio smiled excitedly pausing the game and jumping up.

"Don't wake her." Leonardo and Valentino say at the same time, sending a glare towards Elio as if daring him to go against them.

Elio sits back down and unpauses the game, I can tell he's disappointed but he needs to understand not everyone has an unlimited supply of energy like he does. Isabella especially, she has so much going on with her cancer, brother in hospital, her mother passing away, and finding out her dad is alive. If I was her I would be mentally and physically exhausted and would probably never leave bed.

After a while the oldest, Valentino and Leonardo leave to go to the main office joining the oldest members of the family, normally I'd go with them but I really can't be bothered to deal with that stress right now.

After a while we got sick of playing Cod and decided to put on a movie.

"I need to go to the toilet, I'll be back." Elio stated standing up quickly.

"You went like 10 minutes ago?" I question him suspiciously, does he really think I'm stupid, I know he's not going to the toilet.

"Yeah I um, I drank a lot of um water, yea, and now I need to go again." He stated proudly as if fooled me.

"You haven't had any water today, you were bragging about it 5 minutes ago saying how water is for losers. Your going to wake Isabella up weren't you?" I question standing up.

"OMG LOOK SANTA!" Elio yells pointing towards the window than runs away towards the stairs. I didn't even flinch when he said that, I just stared at the boy confused wondering if we dropped him too many times as a baby.

I quickly start running after him to make sure he doesn't wake Isabella up. Catching up to him I pull him back by the scruff of his neck outside of Isabella's door.

"Non svegliarla, cazzo, ha bisogno di riposare" I angrily scolded Elio. (Don't fucking wake her up, she needs to rest)

"She's probably already awake it's fucking one in the afternoon!" Elio argued back stomping his foot on the ground as if he was a fucking 3 year old.

Elio and I stand their for another 5 minutes arguing about waking Isabella up.

"You know what I'm just going to see if she's awake!" Elio said slowly opening the door but I pull it shut before it's open enough to get in.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING WAKE HER UP. Giuro su Dio che se vai in quella stanza e svegli Isabella, trascinerò personalmente il tuo triste culo al piano di sotto di fronte a tutti dove sarai gettato in piscina e chiuso fuori fino a quando non sarai sull'orlo dell'ipotermia, poi ti trascinerò di nuovo dentro in modo che tu possa spiegare a tutti perché volevi svegliare Isabella!" I glare down at Elio, threatening him.

(I swear to god if you go in that room and wake Isabella up I will personally drag your sorry ass downstairs in-front of everyone where you will be thrown into the pool and locked outside until your on the brink of hypothermia then I will drag you back inside so you can explain to everyone why you wanted to wake Isabella up!)

"But what if she's awake and is just scared that she isn't allowed outside the room" Elio protested, this continued for another painful 5 minutes.

"OMG LOOK ITS MOM!" Elio yells pointing behind me, I don't even bother turning around but I'm still caught in a haze of shock because Elio will never mention our mother. She passed away 10 years ago in a car crash, Elio was only 7 at the time and was with her. It was a targeted attack, the two were on their way back from the Accardi's house when a Russian ran into their car at 183km an hour, it was a miracle Elio survived.

Before I could snap out of my daze Elio turns and quickly runs into Isabella's room.

"You sure she stayed here last night?" Elio questioned looking at me confused.

"Yes I'm not stupid." I said walking into the room myself only to find it empty, I quickly check the bathroom and wardrobe but she's nowhere to be seen

"Enzo what if she got kidnapped again?" Elio stares at me with fear in his expression. It's not possible, she couldn't have been taken, this place is crawling with guards and there is 8 fully trained mafia family members in this house that would kill anyone just to have the chance to make Isa smile... that sounded a lot more creepier than intended.

"It's not possible for her to be kidnapped, have you seen the amount of guards Santino has added to the house since Isabella came here. It's practically impossible for a bug to enter this house without anyone noticing. Just start looking around the house without raising any suspicions...the last thing we need is another angry Accardi man." I whisper yell to Elio.

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