chapter 47

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Alessandro's Pov

I watched from a distance as Isabella challenged our father's authority, we all have done it once before now it was her turn. The tension in the room thickens but my gaze never left Isabella. What is going on in that little head of hers?

Things escalate quickly as I watch Isa stand up in defiance seething with anger, her attitude slowly is building on my nerves, I understand that she's testing what authority she has even if she doesn't know it herself but at this point, it felt selfish and rude. Finally intervening I grabbed her arm and forced her to sit down before she does anything she might regret.

"You do not speak to anyone like that, ever! Do you fucking understand me?" I challenged, emphasizing the authority in my tone, trying my best to show her that she does not hold control in this situation or this household and to demonstrate that her actions do have consequences.

She mumbles a response only loud enough for me to hear. not satisfied i ask her to repeat what she said louder. Isa needs to learn.

"Good, now get up and apologise. Also, drop the attitude." I ordered, but before she could even protest her hand came up and she slapped me hard in the face. My jaw buckles from the tenson of me keeping my mouth shut before I go off at her. I try clenching my fists to suppress my anger and disappointment, emotions that have reached a boiling point. She has stepped so far over the line that I don't even know who she is anymore. I don't even recognize my little sister anymore.

I have failed as her older brother.

"Go to bed." I turn to face her numb of all emotions, if she doesn't leave now, I'm going lose control. Staring down at her for a moment I notice a flicker of shock in her eyes but its quickly suppressed with guilt and tears. "Isabella, just go to bed."

"You're not going to yell at me?" She questions frozen in shock. If you don't leave right now, I will fucking destroy any relationship, we have or might have had in the future.

"Isabella, please just go to bed." I stated one last time pleading that she will listen. Without second thought she's gone. Looking over my shoulder the others are just staring where she just was with blank faces. I think we are all shocked by her outburst.

I left without another word, as the tension of the room starts to cloud my thoughts. My steps echo through the hallway as I make my way down to the basement, the defining silence offering an escape from the heated atmosphere above. Once I reach the training room, I close the door behind me, isolating myself from the rest of the world.

Dim lights casts shadows as I survey the room looking for my pray. Taking in the familiar sight of the worn punching bag that hangs in the corner.

My first strike lands with a controlled force, the sound of impact echos in the otherwise silent room. Rhythmic thuds bounce off the wall as I release the pent-up anger I was once holding; each punch holds the frustration from the past situation.

With only the room to bear witness to the storm of emotions I'm realising, the leather punching bag Grones under the assault, with each blow I fell the tension slowly disappearing. As my fists sting, a stain of red is left behind on the leather, each punch I find myself shedding the layers of anger that threaten to consume me.

As I land my last punch, I step back allowing the silence to return to the room, the only thing that could be heard is my erratic breathing. My sweat socked shirt clings to my skin and my knuckles are red and raw as blood seeps from cuts. Looking up at the clock its 11:00pm, I've been down here for 3 hours?

I made my way back up to my room, the dimly lit corridor seemed longer than usual. each step I took echoed through the corridors. Before I reached my room for a moment, I found myself hesitating outside of Isabella's door.

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